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"Hey, you okay?" Iris tapped my shoulder, causing me to snap my head back towards her, my eyes wide with alert, dark circles under my eyes.

"Yeah-" I clear my throat lightly due to how raspy my voice was from the lack of sleep I had been getting, "Why?"

"Are you sick?" Iris questions, "You're shaking- you look like you haven't slept in days- you're breathing really hard-"

"I'm- I'm fine." I stutter out, shutting her down immediately, touching her shoulder in a reassuring manner, before turning my attention back to why we were actually here.

Apparently, Savitar was back, and now messing with Wally. Wally was finally fast enough to save Iris from Savitar. Wally had kept whatever was happening to him from Savitar to himself, which made Barry even more upset, causing him to practically kick Wally off the team. We now stood where we once were a few weeks ago, Julian hooked up to the device that connected us to Savitar; for communication.

Julian's distorted voice sounded through the room, "Bow before my greatness. Be at awe when you are in the presence of the Almighty."

"Oh, shut up-" I shot him a look, "That's complete nonsense."

"I wouldn't be talking if I were you." He gazes at me longingly, "You may be standing right here running your mouth, but believe me, when I am free, you will get what's coming for you. You will get what should have happened to you. It's only a matter of time. You have no idea what's coming for you, and it will happen when you least expect it. Your friends trying to change the future, it's affecting yours."

"What the hell do you mean by that?" Barry asks, crossing his arms, the look on his face remaining from before, showing that he definitely wasn't happy.

"The double has some unfinished business." Julian simply says, confusion running over me, as he opens his mouth to say more.

Barry cuts him off, "Enough. You were a man. Like me."

"I'm nothing like you, Barry." Savitar's demonic voice sounded through Julian, "You're cruel, selfish. In my perspective, you're the big bad."

 "Where are you?" Barry asks, "You said, I trapped you somewhere in the future. Where?"

"The only place that you could think of. The only place that could hold me." Julian spoke.

"How long have you been imprisoned?" Barry questions.

Julian kept his stare on Barry, "Long enough to lose my mind several times over. It's only my will that keeps me on this side of sanity."

"You know it's funny," Cisco starts, "When I think of sanity, I don't necessarily think of Savitar."

"Well, that's because you're small, Cisco. You've always been small. Reverb told you that you could have been a god. But instead, you'd rather work as tech support." Julian spat at him.

"You wanna tell me why we're enemies?" Barry brings his hand to his chin, keeping his other arm folded across his chest.

Julian shot him a look, "Because we had to be. Only one of us could live. You thought that Thawne and Zoom were your biggest foes, but. But it's me. It's always been me, Barry."

"Man, what did we ever do to you?" Joe snipped.

The outburst couldn't be held back when Julian shouted, pure Savitar threaded into his voice, "You took everything from me! I never asked for any of this, Joe. I am only this way because of you. All of you!"

"When do we meet?" Barry questioned again.

"Not long now. You're there when I become who I am." Julian spoke.

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