"We're ready whenever you are, Barry." I told Barry as he ran in the Speed Lab, Barry's voice coming through, "I'm ready!""Are you serious?" Cisco looks at me.
"Please Cisco, just one more." I press my palms together, pleading, "I won't ask again."
Barry was training, trying to be fast enough to run into a breach Cisco would make, so he would be fast enough to do the same for Devoe.
I was dressed in black joggers, a white sweater, a braided beige beanie on my hair to contain the slight mess of my straighten hair, white slip on vans on my feet.
"She said two hours ago." Cisco shot me a look.
"You and I both know he's not gonna stop until he makes it through." I walk over to him, a innocent smile on my face, my palms still presses together, "Come on, just one more. You know how Barry gets."
He squints his eyes at me, before exhaling, "One more."
"Thank you." I chirp, Cisco walking to where Barry would come out from, holding his fist up, opening a breach.
"All right, here we go." I said to Barry, standing behind Cisco, "Three- two- one. Now!"
Cisco closes the breach right before Barry can get through it, Barry grunting, "Damn it! One more."
Cisco exhales deeply, "Zee?"
"Barry- let's take five." I began, crossing my arms.
"No, not until I get this, all right? Come on." Barry turns to run again.
"Listen, Miyagi-" Cisco began, "I've been here all day, opening breaches, all right, so unless you wanna rub your hands together and do some magic shoulder popping-"
"I'm not rubbing your shoulder." Barry stares at him, exhales.
"That's what I thought. I'm taking five." Cisco starts to leave the room.
"Hey, come on!" Barry tries to stop him.
"I'm taking five!" Cisco ends the discussion,'leaving the room.
"I- I don't understand why I can't get this." Barry breathes heavily, walking over to me.
I hum, "I don't know, maybe because we've been at this all day and you've been up all night?"
"That shouldn't matter." Barry shakes his head.
"Barry, a bridge closes in three -picoseconds. Picoseconds are a thing?" I look at him, confusion falling over me, as he shot me a look. I clear my throat, "Besides the point- Devoe's could shut even faster. Look, I'm just saying that this might not even be the best plan to catch him anyway."
"It's a plan, you know." Barry exhales, sitting down, "It's the only one we have right now."
"I know- we don't really have anything else right now." I walk over, sitting next to him, "But, you gotta stop acting like this is our only option."
"I don't know, Zee, but, I mean, we need something. We have no leads on the next three bus metas, no way to track Devoe, no way to stop him." Barry sighs lightly raising his voice, stressed, "I mean, he can't be this smart."
I got silent, as he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, "I'm sorry, but, I mean, we've been at this for months, and we have nothing."
"Well-" I began, looking at him, "Maybe- that's what's placing a wall between you and- something to help us- something to go off on. You know, sometimes you have to take a breather and let the answer come to you. Do something else for a bit."

impossible | barry allen
Fanfiction[unedited/discontinued] I thought the unimaginable only existed in fairy tales, and stupid redundant television shows. I never knew how wrong I was.