We stood in the dining room that night after, the night after Henry Allen's funeral. Everyone was mourning over his death, but Barry was the worst. I couldn't explain the mood of all of us, but I could tell none of us liked this feeling. Barry spoke to Wally for a minute or two, before I walked over once Wally walks away, putting my hand on his forearm.He looks down at me, his face remaining the same, as my heart broke staring at how broken Barry was. His optimism from yesterday had be completely demolished, and replaced with anger, hurt and hatred. I blink long and hard, holding back tears back, not allowing myself to cry more than the few tears I had already shedded earlier at the funeral. My under eyes were red from crying earlier, the lack of make up I had on showing the slight redness in my cheeks, my eyelashes damp. My plain black dress was slightly damp due to the rain from earlier, as was my hair, the side braid I had put it in earlier loose and also damp.
My eyes open, slightly glossy and red, as I used every cell in me to hold the tears back from falling, "I'm sorry." I whisper, "This shouldn't have happened. I can't imagine how upset you are, right now."
"Yes you can." Barry confronts me quietly, "You're probably the only one here who's witnessed one of their parents being murdered. You're the only one who can even understand the pain- and anger I'm feeling right now. When my mother died, I didn't have to watch her die. Jay wanted to make sure I watched my father die- so we could be the same."
"You're nothing like him, Barry." I say quietly, "You never will be."
He gives me a sly nod before grabbing my hand and leading me to the dining table everyone was crowded around, before speaking up, "Guys, Zoom's still out there. We need to come up with a plan."
"The man can crack open breaches to Earth Two. I mean, if he can do that, what else can he do that we don't know about?" Cisco asks.
"Right after he killed his time remnant, he told me I was "almost ready"." Barry says.
"Almost read for what?" Iris questioned.
"I don't know." Barry tells us honestly.
"Yep. Classic psychopath." Cisco says. "Why can't they ever just say what they want to do?" He continues, "We also have to figure out why I keep vibing Earth Two being ripped to shreds."
"Seriously." Joe agrees.
"It's like I'm watching "Transformers" in 4-D, but, like, ten times more realistic. And with much better acting." Cisco speaks.
"Look, if you can vibe the future, we need to stop Zoom before that happens." Joe says.
Barry speaks up, this conversation being too much for him to handle, "I'm gonna get some air, all right?" He lets go of my hand, before walking to the front door, walking outside, closing the door.
Everyone goes silent, looking at each other, debating silently who should go after Barry, as I looked at them, quietly speaking up, "I got it."
My heels clicked as I walked to the coat rack, grabbing one of Barry's jackets, slipping it on before stepping outside, Barry's head snapping back as his gaze lands on me, as I closed the door, moving towards him and sitting next to him.
"I'm sure- you've probably gotten sick of me being the one who always comes and tries to comfort you- and talk to you. But- I thought I'd give it my best shot." I say quietly, turning slightly where I was seated so I faced him a little more.
He shakes his head, denying what I had just said, "It makes me love you even more. For caring. And being there for me."
I smile weakly, nodding before looking down at the rest of the steps, waiting for him to speak again, to tell me what was on his mind, and to open up to me more.

impossible | barry allen
Fanfiction[unedited/discontinued] I thought the unimaginable only existed in fairy tales, and stupid redundant television shows. I never knew how wrong I was.