"Zee-" Iris' voice sounded distant, but calling out to me."No-no-" Barry's sobs sound right after her voice, his voice somewhat coming closer as I felt myself slowly drift back into consciousness, "I can't lose you- you have to be okay-"
"Zee!" Iris voice is more like a shriek now, as I felt a jerk at my body, as they tried to wake me up.
My eyes shot up as I choke out for a gasp of air, breathing heavily, my eyes landing on Barry Allen and Iris West kneeling at both of my sides, Barry's mask off, his hair a mess, tears streaming down his face, his eyes red, Iris in the same condition.
"I'm okay-" I whisper out, raspiness in my voice, pulling down the collar of my sweater lightly, revealing where the wound once was, "I found a loop hole."
I sat up quickly, my arms wrapping around Iris first, as I held onto her tight, relief erupting in me, due to the last thing I saw was her dead body in Barry's arms, "How did you survive- I- I watched him kill you-"
"I found a loop hole too-" Iris quietly sobs, holding onto me tight.
My arms fell from around her, as I turn, still on my knees, as I jumped into Barry's arms, his arms tightly wrapping around me, not letting go. Fresh tears streamed down my face, as I took deep breaths, "I love you-"
"I love you-" he tightened his grip, "I love you so much."
My eyes land on HR, Tracy Brand crying into his chest, as HR Wells laid dead on the ground, my voice fading quietly, "HR-"
"He was my loop hole-" Iris cries out, "He uses the piece of Savitar's suit to locate them- and saved me- he took my place- and Savitar murdered him- thinking he killed me."
"He was a good man." I sniffle, staring at HR's body, tears filling my eyes once more, "He didn't deserve this."
"What? HR's dead? I can't believe that." Julian sets his bag down, "Is Tracy all right?"
"Not good." Iris answers, "She just wants to be alone."
"There'll be time to mourn. Right now, we need to figure out our next move." Barry says, crossing his arms.
"So for the millionth time, I'm lost on all this time travel stuff." Joe spoke up, "What happens now? With Savitar? Iris didn't die. So that changes things, right?"
"I mean, since Iris didn't die, nor did Zee, future me never goes down that same dark path." Barry exhales, "I never create time remnants to fight Savitar. Reign never replaces Zee."
"And if future you never creates these time remnants, then Savitar himself is never born." I finish.
"Precisely." Julian nods, "Once the time paradox catches up with him, then he'll be erased from existence."
"But I saw him." Joe said confused, "He didn't disappear."
"Not yet." Barry inhales, "But he will, Joe."
"Any guesses how long that's gonna take?" questioned Joe.
"Maybe a few hours?" Barry estimated.
"He can do a lot of damage in a few hours." I look between all of them.
"Well, guys, we can't just sit around and wait for Savitar to disappear." Iris tells us.
"But Savitar won't become Savitar if he's erased. Not unless he pulls off whatever he's got in mind, before the paradox hits him." Barry exclaimed, "He stole the bazooka for a reason"
"Yeah, why?" Iris asks.
"I don't know, but remember, he's been planning this for centuries." Barry says, "He wants to be a god.
He must need the bazooka, and Caitlin, to achieve his goals."

impossible | barry allen
Фанфик[unedited/discontinued] I thought the unimaginable only existed in fairy tales, and stupid redundant television shows. I never knew how wrong I was.