I walked into the pipeline, "You took our daughter back to the future?""I didn't have any other choice." Barry's voice was low, as he faced me.
"Are you suddenly married to yourself now?" The attitude in me was sparking, "In a marriage, Barry- there's two parts to everything. Two people- two opinions- one understanding. If you weren't going go by that, maybe you should've thought about it before you got hitched."
Barry sighs, "I really- had no other choice."
"Did you just not comprehend what I just said?" I question, gesturing with my hands, "It's we, Barry. Not I. She's our daughter, not just yours."
Barry runs a hand through his hair, "I know that."
"But you left her there anyway?" I ask, "Without consulting with me first?"
"I can't trust her, Zee!" Barry blurts out in defeat, "That puts all of us in danger!"
"And you think that gives you any right to make decisions on my behalf too?" I cross my arms, "Did you not even think once to ask me what I think?"
Barry raises his voice in frustration, tears in his eyes, "I didn't think I had to!"
I slightly flinch, but I don't move from where I stood.
My voice fell quiet, "Barry- I don't always agree with what you think. I know what we just found out hits you the hardest- but- I just- I wanted you to consult with me first. Talk to me about it instead of going on and making your own decisions based on your emotions."
"I'm right this time!" Barry raises his voice once more, then turns away from me.
"Barry-" I sigh, "I- I'm not going to hold any past mistakes against you- but- this time- this is a shared matter- she's our daughter, Barry. You just went ahead and-"
"You think I wanted to do this?" Barry faces me once more, "That- this was easy?"
"I didn't say that." I meet his eyes.
Barry exclaims, "Seeing Nora looking at me, asking for forgiveness knowing it might be the last time I ever see her?"
"What about the last time that I get to see her, Barry?" This made me angry, a scoff leaving my lips, "I didn't even get a chance to say good-bye."
"Damn it, Zee, she lied to us for months!" Barry shouted right in my face, as I unintentionally flinched once more, this time taking a step back.
"Barry-" I tried to keep my voice calm, as it was shaky, "There was no bad intention. She explained why-"
"That she was working with Thawne?" Barry screamed in my face once more, the anger getting the best of him.
I stepped up, grabbing his face, the tears escaping my eyes, my voice breaking, "I know- I know how much this hurts you- I completely understand, okay-"
Barry pulls away from my touch, "Maybe if he killed your mother in front of you, you'd feel differently."
My hands drop, a quiet sob leaving my lips, "I wouldn't be happy if the roles were reversed and she was working with James out of all people- I just- I would've talked to you before taking action-"
Barry shook his head, crossing his arms, looking away, tears slipping his eyes.
"She just wanted to meet you, Barry." I stared at him, "The father that she never knew and there was one person who could teach her how to do that. Is it really so hard to understand why she would go to him?"
"Doesn't matter if I understand it, Zee." Barry's voice broke, "Thawne is manipulating her."
"He's on death row, Barry." I ran a hand through my hair, "How is he manipulating her? And you know what- even if he was- where is Nora's fault in this? She would be the victim in this case."

impossible | barry allen
Fanfiction[unedited/discontinued] I thought the unimaginable only existed in fairy tales, and stupid redundant television shows. I never knew how wrong I was.