Today was the day. Today was that day I was going to confront Barry about him being the Flash. I had just woken up, on my couch, on the opposite side of Iris West as she was dead asleep on the other side of my couch. I sit up, groaning lightly because of how sore I had become from sleeping in the position I did last night.I was only half way off the couch when I see Iris stir awake, accidentally kicking my side, sending me rolling off the couch. In attempt to stop that happening on me hitting the ground, she grabs my arm, but ends up getting rolled off with him, both of us hitting the ground with a thud.
I let out a light groan, as she does as well, but hers is followed by a small laugh. I laugh quietly with her then slowly get up, rubbing my eyes, my eyes squinting from my light, Iris' hold still on my arm. "Why is my light still on?" I say, the question leaving my lips as a mumble.
"We probably fell asleep with it on-" Iris lets go of my arm and slowly sits up. "We're such childish adults." She refers to the Disney movie still lit on my tv, pillows scattered around the living room from our pillow fight, empty mugs on the ground, along with the empty box of pizza, all from last night.
"Well- it's okay." I say, standing up, causing myself to stumble slightly from getting up so quickly. Iris copies my actions, and follows up by starting to pick up the pillows that are scattered. I grab the empty mugs, placing them in the sink, throwing out the empty pizza box.
Both Iris and I quickly freshen up, before I walk into my bedroom and change into a pair of black skinny jeans, putting on a blue long sleeve shirt, tucking it in. I put on a belt to keep the jeans in place, before putting on some black ankle boots, I quickly brush my hair and only flat iron it, before making my way out by Iris, who was slipping on her coat. I apply a light coat of chapstick before also slipping on my coat.
We both left and part ways, as I decide to go to star labs.
I walk to star labs, deciding not to take my car, walking inside, putting my coat down in one of the chairs, walking into the cortex by Cisco who to my surprise was back, and Caitlin, as they were already trying to find out some intel on a new meta.
I lean against the desk by where Caitlin was sitting, my back facing one the computer screens, my eyes landing on both Cisco and Caitlin, flickering between them, "Have you guys seen Barry?"
Cisco hums lightly in response, as Caitlin spoke, "He's probably coming in later today, why?"
I shrug lightly, "No reason." I play with my power dampening bracelet, as they continued their search for the meta I didn't pay much attention too. I didn't help with the whole team Flash situation because even if I was a meta human, I was in denial. I didn't want my powers, even if sometimes they came useful. I always had my meta power dampening bracelet on at this point, the only time it was off was when I was training.
They both nod in response, before I leave them to it, wandering around star labs. After a few minutes of wandering around, I notice Barry jog into star labs, causing me to stop in my tracks.
Did I really want to confront him about this? What if my suspicions were wrong, and I was just so stressed that I somehow came up with this?
I continue to have second thoughts, but take a deep breath, pushing them to the side, walking over to him, causing him to pause, looking at me, giving me his go to boyish grin. "Oh- hey."
I stay silent, and without a word, grab his wrist, pulling him along with me, into the speed lab.
"Why are we in here-" Barry starts to say, as I let go of his wrist, turning and facing him, my arms crossing, as I cut him off, cutting right to the chase, "Don't you trust me, Barry? I mean come on, I've known you for such a long time."
He stays silent for a second, a confused expression plastered on his face before he speaks, "Of course, I trust you. I don't understand what you mean."
"Then why could've you have told me- about something like this." I say, my hand going to the necklace that he gave me, holding onto the lightening bolt, hoping that he got where I was getting at because I myself did not want to say it out loud. I had repeated it in my head a thousand times, but I didn't want to say it out loud, I honestly didn't want it to be true. I wanted to believe he would tell me something like this, but with everything resurfacing, that wasn't true.
"You don't think I'm the-" He pauses, his eyes scanning my features, picking up that I was absolutely dead serious, "Zee- there's no possible way. That I'm the Flash." He tries his best to laugh along with his continued sentence.
"You know I thought that too," I say, taking a step back, "But then you said the wrong thing, at the wrong time, Barry Allen." I turn my back towards him, slowly walking away from him, stopping, turning back towards him, "The Flash. told me that he wanted to unmask the Reverse Flash because he wanted to find out who killed his mother." I take a small step closer, my index finger pointing to him, "Your mother was murdered by the man in yellow. The man in yellow, is the Reverse Flash." I spoke, dropping my hands to my side, as I stare at him, with a look of disappointment, anger, and somewhat hurt.
His features soften as he sees the look in my eyes, "Zee, I wanted to tell you. Trust me, I did." Was all he could say, guilt flashing in his eyes.
"That night. That night at my apartment, when you. As Barry. Not The Flash. Found out about my abilities. You could've told me." I mumble, holding back tears, not letting my emotions get the best of me, he stayed silent. "There's honestly so much I want to shout at you about but it's too much to put into context." I run a hand through my hair, looking at him.
"I know you're upset, but you need to understand that I hid my identity to keep you safe." He shoves his hands into his pockets.
"Does Iris know?" He lightly shakes his head.
"Joe told me not to tell you or Iris." He says quietly, keeping his stare on me.
I let a huff leave my lips as I go to walk past him, him grabbing my arm right away. "Zee- I'm sorry."
I give him a sly nod and pull my arm from his hold, walking away quickly, not wanting to be in this conversation or having it continue any longer.
I walked away from it all and walk into the cortex, seating myself in one of the chairs, and watch Cisco so his thing.
"Staring is creepy." He says, his eyes not leaving the computer screen. "I'm not staring, I'm observing."
"Gee- thanks. Makes it so much better. I love being observed." He looks at me, a blank expression on his face, the sarcasm basically dripping from his sentence.
I shrug, and decide to do my best to help around.
Just another thing to get my mind off things.

impossible | barry allen
Fanfiction[unedited/discontinued] I thought the unimaginable only existed in fairy tales, and stupid redundant television shows. I never knew how wrong I was.