"Okay, from Oliver and Felicity." Barry opens the last wedding gift, "We have an espresso machine.""Not on the registry, but-" I start, as him and I were seated on the couch, opening wedding gifts. I was dressed in an oversized sweater, not dressed for the day yet, my legs bare, as I was kneeling on the couch next to him.
"I'll put this in the return pile." Barry places it down.
"No-" I reach for it, but end up wrapping my arms around Barry, looking at him, "I want it."
"You want the espresso machine?" Barry chuckles lightly.
"Yes." I nod, "It has something to do with coffee. I want it."
"Okay, we won't return it." Barry smiles, pecking my lips.
"Was that the last of it?" I question, sitting back down, crossing my legs.
"No, we got one more." Barry picks up a small rectangular box, "There's no card."
Barry rips open the wrapping, looking at the box, "It's another set of knives." Barry opens it, "It's not even a full set. Yeah, it's one knife. That's just shoddy gifting."
"Hey- it's a pretty knife." I shrug, taking it from him.
"I'm gonna clean up." Barry gets up, crouching down, shoving wrapping paper in a black garbage bag.
"No speed cleaning?" I ask, walking behind him, crouching next to him, wrapping my arm around him, pretending to slit his throat with the knife in my hand, "Isn't that gonna kill you?"
Barry chuckles, shaking his head as I put the knife on the coffee table, "No, we're not in a rush."
"Barry, you barely used your powers in Bora Bora, either." I say, standing up, "I mean, not even to put on suntan lotion. Complete- normal Barry Allen. There was no Flash."
"It was a spray-on bottle." Barry looks at me.
I laugh lightly, "Did someone steal your speed without me knowing?"
"No-" Barry got up, vibrating his voice, a smile on his face, "Speed all good."
"Then why haven't you used it at all?" I ask, putting my hands on his chest, looking up at him.
"I mean, I don't know." Barry shrugs, holding my wrists, "I have been thinking recently that, you know, when I first got my powers, I would use any excuse to use them. It would just be me and the road, and everything around me would disappear. It's like the first time in my life I really felt like I was at peace. I just feel like that all the time now. I don't have to run when I'm with you."
"You're very cute." I smile softly.
"I love you, Zee Allen." Barry leans down.
"Oh- I love that sound of that." I stand on my tippy toes, "But, I love you, too."
Barry leans in, smiling, pressing his lips into mine.
My hands run through the receipt in my hand as Barry and I walked down the sidewalk that night, Christmas cheer everywhere we looked, "Why would Rory think that we needed 40 toasters? We literally have- so much store credit now."
"He said that there was some kind of fire sale." Barry shoves his hands in his pockets, shrugging.
"This is Rory we're talking about." I shot him a look, "He stole them."
"Yeah-" Barry exhales, "He definitely stole them."
Before any more words were said, Barry was blasted away from me, thrown right into an alley, landing on the car with a grunt of pain, falling onto the ground.

impossible | barry allen
Fanfiction[unedited/discontinued] I thought the unimaginable only existed in fairy tales, and stupid redundant television shows. I never knew how wrong I was.