[ barry's pov ]"What're you talking about?" Oliver questioned, staring right at Clark.
"Clark, it's us." I spoke up, "Barry and Oliver."
"Oh, I know who you are." He stepped closer, "Your confusion lies with me."
"Deegan." Oliver put it together, "The Monitor gave you the book back?"
"And showed me how to really use it." He chuckled.
"You can't just write yourself as a hero." I call out, "It doesn't work that way."
"Doesn't it, though?" He questioned, "You were struck by lightning. I was given the book by a higher power. Both random acts of chance. But this, this is my destiny. So much more than becoming the Flash was ever yours."
"People don't become heroes because of circumstance." My jaw clenched, "They become heroes in spite of circumstance."
"You're just a cheap knockoff." Oliver comments, just to piss him off.
"Oh, I'm anything but cheap." He scoffed, "And just wait till you see what other fun changes I've made. To your family, your friends. There is no safe harbor for you."
"This is no longer your world." The lasers shot out of his eyes, hitting the crane behind us, then stomping on the ground, sending us flying back, "It's mine!"
"Hey-" Oliver looked down at the gun between us, muttering, "I have an idea."
I nod, passing him the gun, stumbling to my feet with him, as he aimed the gun right at Deegan.
"Idiot, I'm bulletproof." The words seethed through his mouths due to what he thought was Oliver's stupidity.
"I know." Oliver shot the wires, the crane leaning back and forth, ready to fall onto a group of people many feet away from us, screams of fear leaving their mouths.
I swallow, "You wanna be Earth's hero? Save the children or stop us."
"Your choice, Superman." Oliver exclaimed, Deegan letting out a huff through his nose, flying off to go catch the crane from hurting those people.
Oliver and I took this as our chance to run for it, as we did, slowly stopping at some alley, hiding behind a truck, as I swallowed back a gag, my voice dropping heavy, "Being bad makes me feel bad, man."
"The crane gag was harmless." Oliver breathes, looking around for cops, "It would've landed in an empty parking lot."
"Still, man. I don't know. Just doing something like that on purpose,-" I could barely hold myself up, as I gagged, "I think- I'm gonna puke."
"I-" I gag, only to swallow back once more at the sounds of police sirens, police cars rushing right past us, "No, I'm okay, I'm okay."
"We need to find out how extensive this reality-change is, and we need to get off the streets." Oliver pats my back, then starts to run the opposite direction the cop cars went in, "Come on."
"I can't get anything coming up, I can't-" I follow him, retching, "Wait up, I have a plan-"
"Okay, we get Cisco, breach to Earth-38, find real Superman." I instruct as we walked up the steps in the building.
"That's the plan." Oliver nods, following me.
"As long as this Cisco's willing to help us. The last alternate version of Cisco I met was not super-helpful." We come to a stop in front of what was Cisco's apartment, 1A, "Who knows how he's been rewritten this time?"

impossible | barry allen
Fanfiction[unedited/discontinued] I thought the unimaginable only existed in fairy tales, and stupid redundant television shows. I never knew how wrong I was.