Barry and I rushed into the cortex when the alarm started blaring loudly, catching us both completely off guard."It's a system-wide power surge." Barry types on the keyboard, pulling up the system diagnostic, the Time Vault glowing red.
"It's coming from the Time Vault." I stared at the screen, "We just left the Time Vault."
Then, all the lights when out, everything powering down.
"What's going on?" I did a 360, looking around, "Are we under attack?"
"I don't know." Barry grabbed me, "Whatever's going on started the moment we left."
He ran us into the Time Vault, where Nora's video was glitching, "I wasn't perfect. Please remember that I love you both and I always will. And I always will- and I always will, always, always-"
Electricity crackled as the video cut out, the plinth fried and smoking, a gasp leaving my lips, as I took a step closer, "No!-"
Barry grabbed me, pulling me into him, shielding me away from the sparks until they died down.
Barry slowly stood up straight and walked over to where the plinth rested, reaching to pull it out.
"Careful-" I quickly said, as he grabs it, hissing at the burning, pulling it out, as it rested in his palm, "Her message- Nora's message-"
"I know- I know." Barry wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into his side as if he could sense the tears coming, as we both stared at the destroyed plinth.
"This is nice, Dad." Iris smiled, fixing the fedora on her head, "We should do this way more often."
"Agreed." Joe agreed, handing me tongs as I helped him flip the patties on the grill, "Hey, before I forget, congratulations on The Citizen."
We were all having a barbecue in the backyard of the West Household, as I was dressed in a yellow spaghetti strap dress, as it was also tied in the back, my hair in loose curls, ending right at the end of my chest, as my aviator sunglasses on my head.
"Yeah, congratulations." I nudged her lightly, "We're all really proud of you."
"Yeah, well, you know, there's millions of people in Central City and I've only got a couple hundred thousand subscribers." Iris shrugs lightly, "You know, I'm no CCPN."
"Well, not yet, but in about ten years it'll be a Pulitzer Prize-winning empire." Joe smiles at his daughter, as I handed her the tongs I held.
Iris flips a patty, "Baby steps, Dad."
"Mm, damn, this is good." Barry sipped the drink he picked up, walking with Caitlin towards us.
Caitlin looks at him, "You know you can't get drunk."
"I don't even care, that's how good this is." Barry shot back, taking another sip as I walked over to them.
Barry's eyes rake up and down my body, pulling his lips away from the glass, quickly swallowing the liquid in his mouth, "Wow- wow, are you wearing a dress?"
"Oh, God-" I place my hands on my hips, holding back a small smile, "Yes, yes I am-"
Caitlin smiles at us, before leaving us alone, walking over to Iris and Joe.
"I can't believe you're wearing a dress." Barry was acting like this was the first time he had ever seen me in a dress, "Who made you?"
"Neither can I." I gently laughed, then a pout fell onto my lips, "Iris."

impossible | barry allen
Fanfiction[unedited/discontinued] I thought the unimaginable only existed in fairy tales, and stupid redundant television shows. I never knew how wrong I was.