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"Did I just hear you correctly?" I ask, crossing my arms, dressed in a yellow sweater, paired with a black skin tight skirt, black boots worn on my feet, my hair curled. "Because I'm pretty sure you just aliens."

"You heard me perfectly." Barry said, wrapping an arm around me, leaning into my ear, his tone turning into a mumble, "Also, yellow is a very nice color on you, you should say it more often."

I smile lightly, kissing his cheek, him unwrapping his arm from around me, Lyla Micheals handing Barry some sort of paper, before walking to a screen that showed many different types of footage, "Since we heard of them, we've been calling them the Dominators."

"Okay, that is not the name of a species that comes in peace." Wally spoke.

"Its very aggressive." HR said right after Wally.

"Wait, so how long have you guys known about these Dominators?" I question, keeping my arms crossing over my chest.

"Since the '50s." Lyla answered my question.

"That's them, Redmond Oregon. The government tried to cover it up." Joe pointed to the screen, then sees us all staring at him, "What? I watch Syfy channel."

I purse my lips to hold back a laugh, before turning my attention back to Lyla.

"In 1951, they appeared under the same sort of circumstances." Lyla went on, "The ship crash landed. Little to no communication. We learned they were abducting humans, to gather intel on us. They attacked, and hundreds of soldiers lost their lives. Then, for some inexplicable reason, they left."

Lyla continues, "All contact was lost until three months ago when the DOD found this-" Lyla presses a button on her remote, playing an audio for us.

"We pose no threat, human inhabitants. Understanding is our purpose. Any action shown against us as shown to us in the past, will prompt swift retaliation." The audio sounded the room as we all stayed silent, listening in on it, the sound of it giving me the chills.

"So when we discovered four ships heading towards Earth, we were concerned that it was happening all over again. One of them, obviously landed here." Lyla finished.

"Right, cause we ain't got enough crazy going on in Central City." Joe spoke.

"Well- that's not scary at all." I say sarcastically, a sigh leaving my mouth, the audio replaying in my mind over and over.

Caitlin questions, "Do you know what they want?"

"They've ignored all attempts to communicate." Lyla told us, "But we do know, just like before, that the drop ships contain reconnaissance teams sent here to gather more intel on us."

"Looking for our weaknesses." Joe stares at the ground.

"We need to do something." Wally spoke.

"We are." Lyla answers, "Nearly every member state of UN is in talks to communicate. Action is being taken."

"Wait so you just want us to sit this one out?" Iris asks.

"These things are like "World War Z" zombies. If they decide to attack, no military can stop them." Barry argues.

"Neither could you." Lyla shot back. "Not by yourself, anyway. Just let us handle this. For now. I'll be in touch." She takes her drive and then leaves Star Labs.

I turn and face everyone, "We're definitely not sitting this one out. If anything, we're the closest things that can actually do something to stop these- Dominators."

"We can't do this alone." Wally told me, making a valid point, "But we can't just stay still and do nothing."

I look at Barry, as he speaks up, "We're not going to do this alone."

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