"Zee- you and Barry broke up because of your doppelganger- so technically it wasn't even you- so I'm pretty sure you guys are still dating." Iris exclaims, as she sips coffee out of her mug as we sat at Jitters, somewhere I haven't been in what my perspective was, a long time.The smell of flavored coffee was strong in the café, as the strong aroma causing me to hum in response, "She hurt him."
"Exactly, she. Which means, you guys don't have to postpone your relationship because of something she did! That incident and happening should make you guys stronger, not broken." Iris explains, "Joe and I were talking to him the night before, and he started crying."
My attention goes on full alert, as I processed what she had just told me, "He was upset? To the point where he cried? What happened?"
"See- you care so much-" She starts but I cut her off. "Iris, just because we aren't together doesn't mean I don't care for him."
A roll of her eyes comes my way, "Obviously. But, you two care about each other too much to let all that time together to go to waste. I mean, you guys need to be together."
"Why was he upset, Iris." I ask her, staying to the point.
"He's basically trying to blame himself for everything that's happened between you two, and you in general since you got kidnapped, and then with Jay- and Earth Two." She explains.
I start to speak, "None of that is his fault-"
"I know! But, Barry is clearly starting to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders." Iris says.
"Sounds like a certain someone I know," I start, and look at her, as we both give each other the obvious look.
"Oliver Queen." We both say in unison, a small laugh leaving my mouth afterwards.
"What I'm trying to say is- you need to talk to him. You guys need to fix things. Zee Young and Barry Allen breaking up is a complete crisis that needs to be resolved immediately, and it starts with you, talking to him." Iris tells me.
"Why me?-" I start to protest but she cuts me off.
"It's your doppelganger that ruined the relationship." She says to me.
I roll my eyes in defeat, "I can't even escape this- you practically forced him into living with me for a few days."
"Which was the perfect idea, to get you guys to start being around each other again- wanting each other- the first step to fixing this relationship!" Iris says, proud of her idea, and the stunts she had pulled.
"How are you the one trying more than I am to fixing my relationship?" I ask her.
"Because you are afraid that he will be too hurt to start things over again." She says, "But I know he loves you more than enough to pick up where you left off."
"Love?" I question.
"Oh come on." She speaks, "The way he looks at you when you aren't looking. The way he smiles at you when you have one of your laughing fits. The way he acts when he's being overprotective of you, the way he acts so soft around you. He can't ever be upset with you for more than a day or two anymore, He's completely in love with you."
"He's never said it." I try.
"Neither have you. But I know for a fact, that you've been head over heels for him, and even during Peter, those feelings never left." She shoots back at me.
"Fine- Fine. You win." I put my hands up in surrender.
We were stood at what looked like some sort of waterfall, Caitlin, Harry, Cisco, Barry and I. This being some sort of test, or training to see if Barry could get faster from it to stop Zoom.

impossible | barry allen
Fanfiction[unedited/discontinued] I thought the unimaginable only existed in fairy tales, and stupid redundant television shows. I never knew how wrong I was.