[ barry's pov ] (lol very short)I jolt awake, covered in sweat, breathing heavily, feeling overheated. I look around frantically, my gaze landing on Zee, who was sleeping by my side, her hair spread out on her pillow, her hands on her stomach, curled up in a ball.
Thank god she's okay.
My hair goes to her hair as I start to slightly play with it, trying to calm myself down. These dreams I've been having of Zoom hurting Zee- they've really been getting to me.
That night when Zoom came and tried to kill Zee- in my own bedroom? I've had nightmares since then. I haven't told Zee about them, because I didn't want her worrying about me anymore than she already did.
I push my thoughts to the side and lay back down, wrapping my arms around her, holding her tight, trying my best to fall back asleep.
I didn't.
[ zee's pov ]
The sunlight that came through Barry's window hits my face, causing my face to scrunch up, my hand covering my eyes, a small yawn leaving my lips. My head turns, facing Barry, my eyes opening, as I take in his appearance.
His eyes were closed, his hair a mess, light bags under his eyes. I stare at him, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion, as I slowly sat up, holding myself up with one arm leaning against the mattress, his arms still around me.
His eyes slowly opened, revealing the slight redness from him, showing that he was tired. My hands rest on his bare chest, as a concerned expression takes over my features, "Did you not get enough sleep last night?
"I got enough-" He yawns, his eyes slightly watering from yawning, as he slowly sits up. "You look like you haven't slept a wink- all night."
"Zee- I promise- I'm fine." He pecks my lips, a small smile playing on his lips, "I'm just happy that I get to wake up to someone so beautiful every morning-"
As I cut him off, a small laugh leaves my mouth, my hand lightly hitting his chest, as I try to get up, "Oh shut up-"
He keeps a hold on my forearm, pulling me back into him, wrapping his arms around me tight as a small squeal leaves my mouth as he does, causing him to chuckle.
"I'm gonna head to star labs, then to work, okay?" Barry tells me, before planting a kiss onto my head, getting up, as I nod.
My phone buzzes and I ignore it, knowing it was the one person texting me again.
I stood in star labs, dressed in a pair of ripped mom jeans, this being one of the only times they've ever seen me wear anything but skinny jeans, and a light blue sweater. I leaned against the railing, stood next to Barry, as I listened to Caitlin, Jay, Cisco and Barry's conversation. They spoke about the Turtle's next attack, which would be at the crystal ball.
I look between all of them as Barry speaks, "Okay, yes, this is a plan. So the Turtle will make his move, and we can be there waiting to take him down."
Caitlin looks at Jay, "How do you look in a tux?"
"Come on, he's 6'2", he's square-jawed, and he's jacked. He thinks he looks fine." Cisco answers for Jay, as Jay looks at Caitlin, "I'm 6'4"."
A small grin touches Barry's lips as his arm wraps around me, pulling me into his side, my head lifting up as I looked up at him. "This is a once in a life time opportunity for me to see you in a dress- what'd ya say?"
I open my mouth to try and slip my way out of wearing a dress, but Jay speaks up for me, "Well, we all know Zee isn't one for dresses. It'll be the death of her."
I stare at him, my body tensing up once he speaks about me, it giving a feeling of unease, "How do you know that?" I say very quietly, knowing that I've never been on the right foot with him since he got here, and there's no way in hell I've ever warmed up to him, but I have tolerated him.
"Just a hunch." He shrugs lightly, then Cisco speaks, "Zee, this is a crystal ball. Clearly, Barry wants to take you as his date- so you're gonna have to dress for the occasion."
I look up at Barry, as he gives me a innocent smile, "Pleaseee-" he drags out, as I sigh in defeat, "Fine- okay."
A wider smile takes over his features as he wraps both arms around me. Jay watches us intensely before breaking eye contact once I notice.
I peck Barry's lips and pull away once I get yet another text message.
I look at the screen, seeing the two text messages, the first one from earlier, the next one just recently.
unknown: he's lying to you. I knew I was better for you.
unknown: don't ignore me, zee. it'll be worse if you do.
I lock my phone and put it away.

impossible | barry allen
Fanfiction[unedited/discontinued] I thought the unimaginable only existed in fairy tales, and stupid redundant television shows. I never knew how wrong I was.