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"You're insane." I mumble, scooping ice cream into my mouth, as I stay seated on the couch with Barry, my hair messy, my cheeks strained with dry tears, my eyes puffy and slightly red still, as I was dressed head to toe in Barry's clothes.

"Why am I insane?" Barry's voice is raspy, laced with exhaustion, as he continued to eat his own ice cream from his bucket.

"It's four am- and you're awake eating ice cream with me." I sniffle, looking at him, "You're insane."

"Or- I'm just in love." Barry cheekily says, tiredly winking at me.

"Barry." I huff, sniffling again, "You're honestly insane. But I love you for it. So- it's okay."

"At least you love me for it." Barry leans his head against my shoulder.

"We both have work tomorrow." I sigh, taking another bite of my ice cream.

"So?" Barry kisses my cheek, "You were upset and couldn't sleep. I can't sleep knowing you're upset."

I silently shrug, picking at my ice cream with my spoon, looking at him, thoughts filling my mind, causing me to slightly tear up again.

Barry sat up, keeping eye contact with me, "I'm listening."

"I never wanted to admit that I was scared of losing you in the future." I broke eye contact and looked down at my ice cream, "But- in reality, it's my biggest fear."

Barry's expression softens, as I went on, my voice becoming weak and cracking towards the end of my sentence, "I fell in love with the man who would give his life to keep the people he loves- and the people of this city safe. And- I love you so much for it- because your heart is bigger than anyone I've ever known. But, you've always taken more than you can handle and I-"

I looked up at him, my bottom lip quivering lightly, as I refused to let the tears in my eyes fall, "I know- one day I'm going to lose you- as much as I dread it. I'm so- scared, Barry. I'm so scared- that I'm going to lose you forever this time."

"Hey- hey-" Barry pulls me into him, wrapping his arm around me, "I love you. And- just like you said- when this problems comes- we're gonna face it. And we're going to change the future if we have to."

"Don't quote me at a time like this-" I pout, Barry letting out a little laugh, kissing my cheek, as I blinked away my tears, a weak smile forming on my lips, "I guess you're right."

"I don't want you to be upset over this, okay?" Barry leans his head against my shoulder, "I know everything with Nora- triggered every emotion you've kept bottled up, but, I want us to be happy- I don't like seeing you cry."

I give him a weak nod, looking at the time, "We have to be up for work in a few hours." I look at him, "I feel bad now."

"We can both just call in late." Barry kisses my neck lightly, "Problem solved."

I hum in response, "I guess so."

I looked at him, a weak smile on my lips, as he gave me a soft smile. I peck his lips, only for the kids to turn deeper, the ice cream buckets moving to the coffee table, clothes off and the blanket over us, the next many moments we shared together filled with lust and love.


"Good morning." Sherloque greets us with his tea cup as Barry and I walked in around 8 am, small bags under both of our eyes.

"Oh, his accent is so soothing- I could fall asleep right now." I mutter under my breath, Barry lightly nudging me playfully.

I was dressed in a pastel mint green long sleeve, which was tucked into a pair of blue ripped jeans, my legs once again exposed due to the amount of rips in them, Barry's jean jacket on, my hair wavy due to me not having the energy to do it this morning, as we were both tired out of our minds. Barry had his arm around me, holding me close, as I slipped my coffee that Barry held for me, my head leaned against his chest.

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