I sit in the middle of jitters, my hands around my mug of coffee, staring at nothing, completely zoned out. I didn't bother to put on any make up today, even if I only ever put on the lightest makeup possible. I was wearing a pair of ripped jeans, which was a bad choice because of the fall weather, considering my legs were already freezing cold, but I didn't care. I had on a simple white t shirt on, and a olive green jean jacket on top, as if it would protect me from the cool air that hit me every single time I stepped outside. My hair didn't look it's best today, I had only brushed it, leaving it wavy and somewhat frizzy. I sniffles quietly, as I thought about everything that had happened last night on that roof top. I couldn't understand how easily The Flash calmed me down last night. I mean- he's a meta human- he helps people- saves people- I guess that's a logically answer right? But what's even logical in this city anymore?"Whatcha dreamin' about?" I suddenly hear, the seat in front of me now being taken by thee Barry Allen, himself.
I flinch at the sound of his voice, the mug in my hand moving with my hands as I flinch, almost slipping the coffee I haven't even taken a sip of.
He laughs quietly, giving me the best smile he can give me. "I didn't mean to scare you."
"I- yeah- no it's fine. I'm just- really- uhm. out of it- today. I guess." I say quietly, my voice coming or quieter and slightly higher than I intended it to, slowly letting go of my mug, letting it sit alone between us.
"I'm sure your coffees gone cold by now. Are you okay? I heard last night wasn't the- best night." His smile slowly fades and now he is looking at me with concern.
My eyes grow slightly wide, looking at him, still quietly speaking, "Where did you hear that?"
"I uhm- well. I kinda- I- had a hunch..?" He comes up with a lousy excuse, giving me a awkward look.
I nod hesitantly, "I just- it just hasn't been- my day lately. I guess-" I came up with the quickest excuse. I couldn't tell him that I was a meta- or that I could light things on fire with my bare hands- or that I could fly. He'd freak out- he'd never want to be near me. He'd be afraid of me. I couldn't have that.
He looks at me, "You know- you can tell me anything right?"
"The same thing applies for you-" I say without thinking.
His eyes go slightly wide, clearing his throat, looking at his hands, acting as if he was hiding something from me, as I was from him. "Yeah- yeah of course." He mutters.
I nod slowly, "Well- I- have to go- do something-" I start to say but he cuts me off.
"Actually- I was thinking- maybe we could- hang out? I feel like we've been really busy for each other-"
"But that's you with Iris, Barry." I say quietly.
"What're you talking about-?"
"You haven't been with Iris lately. She mentioned it to me yesterday- aren't you in love with her? Wouldn't you- jump at any opportunity to hang out with her?"
"I-" he goes quiet. I don't know why. but he doesn't say a word, and neither do I. We both sit in silence, glancing at each other every now and then. I was enjoying his presence, but I don't know why he was still here, sitting in this awkward situation.
"Maybe I should get going-" we both start to say but stop when we see that we said it at the same time.
"I'll walk you?" Barry asks, laughing quietly.
I let out a breath, and nodded.
We both leave Jitters, as he starts to walk me home, kicking leaves around every now and then, his hands shoved in his jean pockets.
I shiver a little from the cold breeze, starting to walk faster, in attempt to shorten this walk because I was freezing cold.
I look at barry, as I notice him stumbling slightly, looking dizzy.
"Are you okay-?" I walk into my building with him. He doesn't reply and slowly tips forward, falling into me, sending me falling onto the ground, along with him on top, and as I looked down at him with a gasp, Barry Allen, had indeed, passed out. I don't know the reason- but I was. freaked out.
Or well I was partly freaked out. He smelt really good, I'll tell you that- but. I slowly took him up to my apartment and laid him on my couch, pacing around for a bit, waiting for him to wake up.
And with that, not even a few hours later, Barry had slowly awaken. "What happened-?" He mumbles, slowly sitting up.
"You- fainted- in the middle of the hall. I don't know why-"
"Hey do you- have any food? I'm really- hungry." He mumbles, putting his hand on his stomach. I guess he forgot to eat? I nod and grab the pizza I had ordered while he was passed out, and hand him a slice. Well. He ended up eating the entire thing.
"Are you okay-?" I ask.
"Yeah- I'm fine." He says as he finishes the last of the pizza.
I hesitantly nod, "Pretty hungry there- aren't you?"
He nods with a innocent smile, slowly getting up, and how inconveniently trips over my carpet and falls on top of me, sending me back, yet again, to the ground.
"Oh my god- I'm so- sorry-" he looks at me, as he starts to laugh quietly.
I laugh it off, and soon our laughter dies down as we are just looking at each other, considering he was on top of me, and was- very. incredibly. close.
I watch him as he slowly starts to lean in, and I freeze right then and there. Was he going to kiss me?
I was all in for it. Until I realized something. Barry Allen- was indeed. still, completely in love with Iris. Feelings like that- don't just go away. I would know. He's been in love with her for years. And it's basically- me pinning over him- while he pins over Iris- and Iris pins over Eddie. No matter how hard I try- to forget him- or get over him- it's almost like- in the end- no matter how much I get hurt- watching him fall harder and harder for someone else. I'll sit here, swooning over his every move, feeling the heart ache- as if I want him and only him to drag my broken heart along with him.
I tilt my face away, stopping this from going further and let out a awkward, quiet breath.
He gets the hint and quickly sits up, clearing his throat.
I quickly sit up and play with my hands, and soon enough, my hands felt as if they were on fire. I knew this was the effect of my powers and I wasn't about to break down in front of barry- what if he thought I was some sort of freak?
I jumped up as I watched him watch me in confusion, and with that, I accidentally lit my carpet on fire.
Barry jolts up and grabs the extinguisher, getting rid of the fire, looking at me with wide eyes. "You're- a meta-" he starts to say, and steps closer to me.
I back away immediately, "you're hallucinating-"
"No- I'm not. I just saw you light that carpet on fire- with your bare- hands." He steps closer again.
I shriek, "Stay back- I'll hurt you too."
"Hey-" he grabs onto my wrist, slowly putting the extinguisher away, "Let's just sit down, and talk. It'll be okay. I know you won't hurt me."
I hesitantly let him pull me onto the couch and sit down with him, and I look at him.
"I- wow." He says, "I- you're a meta. You're- proof. That the impossible- exists. You're proof- that- what happened to my mother the night she died- wasn't impossible- you-" I cut him off.
I let out a whisper, "The Flash is proof. He's proof."
"Yeah- him too." He says lightly, with a small laugh then immediately lets go of my wrist when his phone buzzes, with him answering it, then getting up immediately, looking at me, signaling he had to go, and then runs out, leaving me confused.
authors note:
I edited the last few chapters, so if there's different shit, just know I changed it.

impossible | barry allen
Fanfiction[unedited/discontinued] I thought the unimaginable only existed in fairy tales, and stupid redundant television shows. I never knew how wrong I was.