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[ barry's pov ]

That night I had taken Zee to her own apartment, and stayed with her there. She was incredibly shaken up from being kidnapped, so I was there to comfort her.

I was sitting with her on her couch with her, as tears were streaming down her face, a blanket around her shoulder, her hair in a bun, and dressed in a t-shirt and sweatpants. My hand rested on her knee, as my arm was loosely wrapped around her, as I tried to comfort her, ignoring the fact that it was very late, and I was very tired.

"Zoom said something to me earlier- and it kinda stuck." She says quietly, as I gave my full attention to her, the wave of exhaustion hitting my body I had pushed away, "He said that relationships give weakness. Being with someone- or even having feelings- will give the opportunity for someone to hurt that certain someone- to get to you." She pauses, then looks up at me, "That's why- I think we should break up."

My heart stops, as the exhaustion is ripped away from my body, and replaced with full alert, as I sit up quickly, trying to process what she was saying to me, "You're breaking up with me?"

"I am." She shortly says, "I'm one of your weaknesses."

"Okay- my entire family- the entire team is my weakness. They're my family and friends- you don't see me dropping them to make sure I don't have any weaknesses." I shot back at her, anger and hurt building up inside of me.

"Exactly why I'm eliminating one weakness." She replies, "I think you should go, okay?"

I go silent, not knowing what to say due to all the emotions I was feeling.

I get up, grab my jacket and leave.


[ reign's pov ]

The next morning, I had brought over one of Zee's co workers from Picture News. Now, that I had broken up with Barry, I would screw around with another right after, to really mess him up.

I heard the front door open, as I jump, swinging myself over the lap of the co worker I didn't remember the name of, and grabbed his face, connecting my lips with his in one swift move.

He kisses back, and holds onto my waist, as I heard the footsteps come closer, and into my living room, as Barry's voice sounded around the room, "Zee- I'm not letting you give us up because you want to eliminate one of my weaknesses- because that doesn't change how I feel about you and Zoom will still use you as leverage if we're in a relationship or not-" His voice fades as his footsteps come to a halt, and I could tell he had seen what was in front of him.

I slowly pull away, and turn my head, looking at him, my stare blank, my entire expression; just blank.

A voice crack comes from him as he speaks, his voice quiet, his eyes glossy and slightly red, but he hadn't shed any tears, "Does the time we've been together- or what we've been through- together- mean anything to you?"

I had broke him.

"Nope. Sorry, Barry. I've moved on." I simply say, as my entire attitude had shifted overnight.

"It hasn't even been a day!" Barry's voice grew louder, I could tell he was holding back the tears in his eyes.

"I guess- you could say I never wanted to be in that relationship in the first place." I say coldly, "Just needed an excuse."

A tear slips his eye, as he backs away, "I never even got to tell you- that I love you."

"I guess- you don't get that chance now, do you?" I say, my stare blank.

A sigh leaves his mouth, as he fully backs away, turns and leaves, slamming the door behind him.

Mission Accomplished.


[ barry's pov ]

We had decided to go to Earth Two. I had let Harry out, and we had the plan to go to Earth Two to save Jesse. Zee was tagging along, which meant I wouldn't be fully focused due to what had happened between us.

We were in the breach room, ready to leave. I stood between Cisco and Harry, as Zee stood by Harry. She looked like nothing had happened, she acted as if she didn't care.

And maybe she didn't.

Maybe she did mean what she said, about not wanting to be with me.

But if she didn't, why would she continue to be with me?

"Barry-" Cisco's voice breaks me from my thoughts, as my head snaps towards him, "What?"

"You okay? You seem out of it." He asks, as my eyes trail to Zee, who was staring straight forward, as I took notice of what she was wearing. She was dressed in a plain white t shirt, with a pair of black pants, her feet covered in heels that went with her outfit. I noticed that she wasn't wearing the meta human power dampening bracelet that she would always wear, and would only take off when in need of her powers.

I blink, and look back at Cisco, "I'm fine."

"Get your head in the game, Allen." Harry says, as we readied ourselves.

And with that, I ran all four of us to Earth Two.

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