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I looked through a case file, seated at my desk, dressed in a black long sleeve t shirt, that was tucked into blue ripped skinny jeans, black heeled ankle boots on my feet, my hair straight. I messed with my badge, that was clipped to the small black belt I had around my jeans, as my eyes skimmed through the paper in front of me.

"Hey you," I heard from in front of me, as my head snaps up, landing on Barry Allen, a smile on his face at the very sight of me.

"Oh- hey, Barry." I smile, setting the case file folder down on my desk, sitting up lightly due to how I was slouching, my hands on the arms of the office chair I was sitting in, "What can I do for you?"

"Just because I came down here to talk to you, doesn't mean I need something." Barry told me, as he questions right after, "You workin late?"

"No?" I say, my sentence coming out as some sort of question, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"It's seven." He points to the small clock that rested on my desk, my eyes landing on the bright red digits on the device.

"Oh-" I took the folder and placed it back in the cabinet, "Time ran away from me, I guess."

"What case were you looking at?" Barry questions, holding onto his bag.

"A old one." I simply answer, slipping on my black windbreaker, making sure my gun was secure in its holsters that was also attached to my belt, as I grabbed my hand purse and my phone, "It really doesn't matter."

He gives me a nod, dropping it, "I was gonna stop by Star Labs-"

"And you want me to come with you?" I question, already knowing what he would ask me right after.

He nods, a chuckle leaving his lips, "Yeah."

"All right- I'll come." I leave ccpd with him, as we walked down the sidewalk. Within minutes, both of our phones buzzed.

I fished out my phone as does he, as he both look at each other after checking our phones, saying in unison, "Cisco."

Barry runs, leaving his bag at his home before running back over to me, scooping me up in his arms, then running into Star Labs, into the breach room, setting me down, "What's going on?" Barry's voice sounded the room.

"That." Caitlin pointed to the breach.

"Why'd you open a breach?" I stepped down the stairs, looking at Cisco with confusion.

"I didn't." He answered, putting some sort of gun he had probably created at the breach, Joe holding his own gun towards the breach also, as Iris stood behind her father.

"What?" Barry asks confused.

"That's why we called you." Joe answered.

"Can't you close it?" I questioned.

"Once again, wouldn't have called if I could." Cisco told me, keeping his aim straight.

Barry comes over, standing right next to me, his arm out, guarding me lightly, as we all prepared for what would happen.

"Alright- somebody's coming through-" Wally spoke, as I pulled my gun out, setting it in place, also aiming at the breach.

"Get back-" Joe told everyone who was unarmed, as we stood still.

In jumped Harry, letting out a breath as he looked at Barry, "Allen."

"Wells-" Barry looked at Harry with slight wide eyes, as I lowered my gun, placing it back in the holster attached to my belt.

"I need your help." Harry told us.

"With what exactly?" I question, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

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