"What? Whoa." I heard Barry's voice come from the living room as I slowly walked downstairs, yawning quietly, he laughs, "No! Huh?"My footsteps halt when I walk into the living room, "What- did I just walk into?"
I stood there, rubbing the sleep away from my eyes, yawning again, which is cut off with a small shriek, due to Barry scooping me into his arms then plopping onto the couch with me on top of him.
I opened my eyes, my eyes falling onto the tv, Barry speaking up, "I'm just catching up on all the TV I missed while I was stuck in the Speed Force. When you've been gone six months, the world is a minefield of spoilers. But Cisco hooked me up with the 1,000-times sped up version of my favorite shows."
"Aw, Jon Snow died." Barry pouts, but then suddenly his features turn into a shocked pleasing expression, "Oh, he's alive!" Then his expression falls confused, "Huh-"
"Okay- wow." I scoff, looking at him, "That just screams instant headache."
"Not when you're the fastest man alive." Barry winks at me, leaning up, pressing his lips into mine, but pulls away at the sound of his phone buzzing, as he pulls it out, "Joe needs us at a crime scene-"
"Oh- I can go get dressed then-" I start, moving off his lap, standing up.
Barry cuts me up, catching my waist as he stood up, "You know what- take your time. I'll give you all the details about the crime scene."
"If you insist-" I dramatically say in a jokingly way, dropping back onto the couch, grabbing the binder on the small table by the couch, "I should get through this binder with the time on my hands though- it's filled with our neglected wedding plans and it'll most likely take me all day."
"Oh, no. Don't worry about it." Barry slips on a jacket, "I'm done with it."
"You're- done with it?" I repeat, looking up at him.
"Yeah, I finished it this morning-" Barry smiles, "I locked in a caterer, I got you your favorite flowers, I put a deposit on a venue with an amazing view, I got that seven tier triple chocolate cake-"
My eyes are wide, "I don't know if I should hug you or kiss you right now. I mean- you got everything covered."
"So my lovely fiancée can remain stress-free." Barry leans over, pressing a kiss to my lips, then fixes his jacket, "Save me a bear claw?"
"I'll bring one by when I meet you at Star Labs-" I smile lightly, placing the binder down where I picked it up from, as he shoots me a smile, then whooshes off.
"The Cortex's quantum algorithm should decrypt this code in no time." I heard Cisco's voice come from the cortex as I walked down the hall, heading into the cortex, "That should help us ID our new hacker."
Cisco's words fade when his eyes landing on me, the corners of his mouth turning up, noticing my appearance, "Oh- ho- ho- she's back!"
I roll my eyes lightly playfully, as he referred to my freshly cut medium length hair, and the missing septum ring that I had just taken out and decided to only put in once in a while.
Iris nudges my shoulder, "We missed you."
I smile at her, walking over to Barry, holding up the small foam plate, a bear claw resting on it, "I brought you a bear claw."
He smiles, thanking me, kissing my cheek, stealing the bear claw, taking a bite, as I threw out the plate.
"Anyway," Cisco began, "While we wait, I got a little welcome back gift for you." Cisco signals for us to follow him, "Come, come. Walk with ya boy. Gather round, class."

impossible | barry allen
Fanfiction[unedited/discontinued] I thought the unimaginable only existed in fairy tales, and stupid redundant television shows. I never knew how wrong I was.