"You're saying you're our daughter?" Barry stares at Nora, as I cleared my throat after having a coughing fit, sitting the glass of champagne down.My voice is raspy, removing my hand from my mouth after taking a deep breath through my nose, holding back anything that would lead me to throw up, "From the future?"
"Named Nora?" Barry finished my sentence.
"After your mother." She shyly replies, looking up at Barry.
"Anybody need a refill?" Cisco interrupts, as we all shot him a look, "No? Just me? Mm."
"Cisco Ramon, always cutting the tension with a joke." Nora steps down, after Cisco had gotten up from chugging down his champagne, moving for a refill.
"You know our names?" Caitlin questions.
"Of course. I know all of you." Nora walks around, naming them off, "You're Caitlin Snow, Ralph Dibny, Papa Joe, Mama Cecile. Aunt Iris. Little Auntie Jenna. She's so cute. And Uncle Wally."
"Uh, and your nickname is XS?" Wally asks her.
"Clearly not my doing." Cisco drinks straight from the bottle.
Nora turns towards me, as I was stood completely still, Barry looking right at Nora and I from being a foot away from us, right next to us.
Nora finally makes eye contact with me, "No, uh, it's a nickname that you gave me when I was a kid, Mom."
"Mom." I repeat her words, staring at her, my eyes slightly wide.
"You said I did everything in excess." Nora rocks back and forth on her feet, "Guess I've always been like that. Overdoing things, getting in way over my head. Like, uh, recently."
"This mistake that you made?" Barry questions.
"Big mistake." Nora nods.
"And this big mistake was?" I question, crossing my arms.
"Helping you save the city by destroying the Star Labs satellite last night." Nora admits, her eyes connecting with Barry's.
"You were the other speedster." I pieced it together, uncrossing my arms, rubbing my temples, "That all makes so much more sense to me now."
"I just couldn't stop myself from getting involved." Nora admits, "But something happened when I did, because now, I can't seem to go fast enough to open up the Speed Force."
"Pardon me." Ralph interrupts, "Are we talking about actual time travel here?"
"Do you just like, not pay any attention when we have our briefings?" Cisco looked at Ralph.
"Y'all didn't teach him about the Legends?" Wally asks.
"Look, nobody said bubkes about time travel." Ralph defends himself.
Jenna starts to quietly let out whimpers, causing Caitlin to shush Ralph, "Come on, Ralph. You're scaring the baby."
"Yeah, you're scaring the baby." Cisco repeats.
"No, no, she's not scared." Cecile rocks her lightly, "She just said she's hungry."
Cecile gasps, "She said that she's- Joe! I heard her! I read her mind!" Her tone changes, as she gets up, speaking in her baby voice, leaving the room, "I might not be losing my powers! I might not be losing my powers!"
"I'm sorry." Nora apologizes, "I know how bizarre this must seem, meeting your daughter from the future as an adult. But really, this wasn't my plan at all, but I'm kind of stuck here now, and you're the only people who can help me."

impossible | barry allen
Fanfiction[unedited/discontinued] I thought the unimaginable only existed in fairy tales, and stupid redundant television shows. I never knew how wrong I was.