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A bright light shined over my face as I started to wake up. It was blinding me, through my eye lids, my eyelids not dark but now red. I slowly open my eyes, trying to adjust to the light. Once the blurriness disappears, I realize I'm in some type of lab, or hospital.

I sit up, looking around , coming to realization to that I was in the one and only Star Labs. I lightly cuss, before Cisco and Caitlin quickly make their way to me.

"What the-" I start but Caitlin is already shoving cotton swabs and tongue sticks down my throat, pulling a single strand of hair from my head, and taking blood from my arm. Cisco waits for her to finish getting the blood before he bandaged me up, pushing Caitlin away from me before she could do anything else.

"What the hell?" I say, before I let out a string of coughs, followed by Cisco giving me a glass of water, calming my dry throat down.

"Sorry, she just needs to do a few- non harmful things to see what's going on with you." Cisco answers me, giving me a apologetic look.

"What's wrong with her?" A voice interrupts our conversation, my head turning to see the one and only himself. The one Iris is already obsessed with. The one who has been rapidly saving people within seconds. The Scarlett suited speedster himself. The Flash. His voice was vibrated, and I couldn't quite see it his face because he would look down ever so often. I couldn't make out who he was.

"I think she's a meta." Cisco replies to him as I give him a confused look.

"A whatta?" I ask

"After a few tests we'll determine if you're a meta human or not." Cisco answers me.

I turn to the flash and he was looking at me, so I caught a glance of his eyes. They looked so familiar. But I really couldn't put my finger on it.

"Uhm, do I know you?" I ask him, directly my attention to him and only him, he looks up at me.

"No, no you don't." His vibrated voice spoke to me. I shake my head. "I don't believe you."

Cisco pulled him to the side as they started speaking. I couldn't quite make out what they said, but I could hear a small bit.

"You have to tell her. She's already a meta." Cisco whispered.

"I can't tell her." He spoke back to Cisco, his voice wasn't vibrated and I swear to god I knew someone with his voice.

"-told me not to tell her." he finished. I furrowed my eye brows. I mean I'll find out eventually.

"Yeah guys I'm gonna like leave." I say but they didn't quite hear me. I grabbed my coat and bolted. I ran down the hall and out the doors, to the chill air. Seconds later I'm back on the white bed, the same place where I was before.

"We're gonna go out back to do some tests." Caitlin says as Cisco and The Flash take me to the back, outside. Probably where he trained.

"Caitlin, we're not going to let Dr. Wells know about testing her?" Asks Cisco

"No. Not this time." She says and moves towards me. "So basically those are a few targets, I'm going to need you to take a deep breath and fire at them."

"But-" I start, "Do it!" She says and moves back next to Cisco and the Flash. I take a deep breath, focusing on a target, bringing my hand forward, a burst of fire leaving my hand, missing the target. Instead of hitting the target, it hit a tank full of something, which caused it to blow up. The explosion was big enough to reach the four of us, not going anywhere near the city but just where we were. The Flash immediately grabbed Cisco and Caitlin and took them to safety, going for me but before he could, I jumped, I don't know why, but I did.

My eyes shut as I screamed not feeling harmed or not even on the ground. I thought the world ended for a second. But when I opened my eyes, I couldn't believe it. My eyes slowly opened as I looked around to see I was higher than the ground, not looking at the ground yet, but looking around me. I haven't looked down.

I turn to see Caitlin looking at me with wide eyes, The Flash, with a wide open mouth, and Cisco letting out a string of profanity's.

I look down to see I was not on the ground, which is why I couldn't feel it. I was flying. Literally flying, like levitating.

I let out a scream, looking whatever I had, falling towards the ground, The Flash catching me before I hit the ground. He set me on the ground carefully as I look around.

"Oh my god." I say shocked as everyone else.

"This is incredible. The first meta human we've tested who can fly!" Caitlin cheered as she started writing down on her clip board.

"Do it again!" Cisco yelled like a 3 year old.

I take a deep breath, deciding that I would try because I mean who the hell wouldn't if they found out they could fly? I held in that breath before jumping of my feet and into the air. I fly through the air, but lose my control and crash to the ground. "I guess you're not very good at your controls yet."

I turn and see the Flash himself talking to me with his vibrated voice. "I'm not an object."

"My apologies."

"Mhm." I say stand up, dusting myself off. "But I'm sure, with a little practice, you'd get used to it wouldn't you?"


"I'm catching a drift that you're not to fond of me." he says as he steps closer to me.

"Oh, was it my tone that gave it away? I mean, you are all heroic and stuff but, in all honesty, you're just like everyone else. You may have gotten struck by lighten, but there is a huge population that has probably gotten affected also, and I don't really think they want to be little super hero's like in the comics. So, not really all of my attention is directed towards you like the whole city's is." I say, crossing my arms facing him. "Ouch."

He playful places a hand on his heart and backs away laughing a tiny bit.

"Im going to go home-" I start to say but the flash cut me off.

"Maybe I can call your friend Barry over? He can take you home."

"How do you know barry?" I ask.

"Small town, I guess." and with that he runs off, leaving me with questions that have yet to be answered.

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