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I stood in the cortex with everyone a week later, dressed in yet another pair of ripped jeans, a blue stripped oversized sweater and heeled ankle boots. I was stood next to Iris as I watched Barry walking slowly with the help of Joe, but give up a few seconds later, sitting back down in Eobard's wheelchair that we decided to give him to put to good use.

A put a strand of my hair behind my ear, holding back a sigh. I wasn't paying much attention to the conversation until Harry speaks, "I need to go take care of Zoom once and for all, before anyone else gets killed."

Barry speaks up, "How do you plan on doing that?"

"I'll think of something." Harry replies, "Ramon, if you'll escort me to the speed cannon." He turns and starts to walk away.

"No- no- no, you can't go through the breach." Caitlin says.

"Yeah- he can. Jay taught us how to send people." Cisco tells her, causing myself to speak up, Harry stopping in his tracks.

"He can't leave." I look at Cisco, taking a step further towards Harry, my eyes fixed on him, my arms crossed, "Zoom is from Earth Two- and now- that he has basically destroyed your Central City to their knees in front of him, he is probably trying to do the same to this Central City, so no- you can't leave, because what was once your problem, is now our problem also. If anything, you need to stay here so we can all figure something out to defeat him."

Harry turns and looks at me, "I'd watch it."

"Well if I were you, Dr. Wells-" my hands drop to my sides, one going to my back pocket, "I'd think long and hard about what you're about to do, because you are dropping the biggest chance of saving your daughter and defeating Zoom."

Harry opens his mouth to speak, but Caitlin cuts him off, walking over by me, "Zee's right. Look- if you can figure out how to stop Zoom on your earth, you can figure out how to do it here. We need you to stay here until we defeat Zoom, Dr. Wells."

Harry looks between us then keeps his stare on Caitlin, "What I need, Dr. Snow. Is to return home. And I'm going to do that with or without your assistance." He turns and walks out of the room.

A sigh leaves my lips as I turn, along with Caitlin, Cisco's hands at his sides, "What're you doing? If Harry wants to go- bye."

Caitlin speaks for the two of us, "Look, like it or not Cisco, we need his help."

Joe speaks up, "I'm not sure another plan from Wells is what we need."

Iris crosses her arms, "Yeah, I mean, the last bright idea he had nearly got Barry killed."

"But, if he can figure out how to defeat Zoom on his own earth, wouldn't it be better if he did it here- with this entire team- where we have his back so he doesn't get himself and his daughter killed?" I spoke from my mind, my arms crossing again also.

"But Jay's gone- and Dr. Wells knows Zoom better than anyone, so until Barry is back on his feet again, we need to keep Wells' around in case Zoom returns." Caitlin explains.

Barry finally speaks up, "Zee, Caitlin. If he doesn't want to be here, then we're better off without him. Let him go."

A small huff leaves my mouth, as I look at Barry. Caitlin speaks, "I can't do that. Not yet." With that, she walks out the room, the alarm going off right after she leaves, causing Cisco to run around to the computer screen, "Oh snap- meta human attack-" He says but then stops, staring at it.

"Nope- nope. My bad- that is just an alert for me." Cisco says, turning it off. "For what?" Iris asks, peaking over to the screen.

"Oh- it's just a reminder. I have a date in an hour- so." Cisco explains, causing a small laugh to leave my lips.

"Oh- with who?" Iris asks, a grin playing on her lips, as I walk over to Barry, standing behind him, my hands resting on his shoulders. He tilts his head back, his head resting on the chair as he looks at me, a weak grin on his face. I smile lightly at him then look back at Iris, Joe and Cisco as does he.

"With the lovely, Kendra Saunders, the barista at Jitters. She makes a mean latte, I think we're gonna go out for dinner and a movie, and then, I don't know- maybe some breakfast." Cisco says, putting a strand of his hair behind his ear, causing a small gasp to leave my mouth.

Joe starts to laugh as Barry speaks, holding back a grin, "Wait breakfast? Why, breakfast? I don't-"

"Yeah." Iris says, the two of them messing with him.

Cisco gives us all a look, as he speaks, "Cause- you know, you go home, and-" he tries to explain; embarrassed.

"Cisco." Joe stops him, "He's messing with you."

"Oh." He speaks in realization then leaves the room.

A small giggle leaves my mouth as I bend, my arms wrapping around Barry's neck as he tilts his head back and looks up at me, the weak grin remaining on his face after his laugh died down, his hand on one of my arms.

"Am I missing something?" Joe speaks as he looks between the two of us.

"Yeah- what episode did I skip of Barry's love life-" Iris jokes lightly as she looks at the two of us, a smile on her face.

Barry looks at them, "I- we." He says, but I start to stutter over my own words not knowing how to answer either, "We- kinda- well. It's uhm."

Barry and I look back at each other, not knowing what to say.

"We'll leave you two to figure that out." Joe says as he leaves the room with Iris.

Well that's something we both needed to talk about.

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