1: Domineer

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Jae Kyung was looking at her own reflection in the mirror while tying her hair. For a doctor, she needs to be presentable as possible from head to toe. Sleek hair, straight crease-free uniform, and polished shoes. She needs to groom properly as a professional.

After making sure she's ready enough to face people, she headed out of the toilet inside her own clinic, but before moving out completely, she stared at her own face for a while.

Sometimes, she always think of whether it's her really true face that she's seeing on a mirror's reflection everytime her eyes catches her own reflection. Until now, she's still not comfortable of staring at her own face. The feeling of her not being the same person with that face is still there – that the person she's seeing is different from her true self.

But it has been three years.

But even if after all those three years, Jae Kyung still feels like a stranger to her own self. The only thing she's sure about now aside from her name is her sisters, and the knowledge that their father died because of her.

She sighed as she remembered what her sisters said to her before they left and let her solve her own problems since she's the one who brought them to herself.

Both Jae Shin and Jae Min hate her even before since they were young. Her two older sisters think that she stole their Dad's attention from them. They were jealous of her. And they hate her even more since their Mom died while giving birth to her.

Her mother was in her mid-forty's when she fell pregnant with her. That's why their Mom's pregnancy came into a complicated situation. And by the time she was in labor, her Mom's body gave up while giving birth to her. Her sisters were seven and eight years older then.

As what her Dad told her, with her other siblings, she's the one who got almost all her mother's features. That's why her Dad adores and loves her that much. Jae Kyung reminded him of their mother until it became the root of her own sisters' jealousy.

But that also became the reason why her Dad was so protective of her. Jae Kyung was actually jealous of her sisters' freedom. They could always do everything but not her. They've got to take courses they like, but not her.

She was forced to take Medical Technology and then proceeded to get her Doctor's Degree even if she wanted to take Law. But since it's against her Dad's wanting, she can't do anything.

And when she graduated from all the study, her Dad let her work on their own hospital. She worked there for two years when she decided to seize her own dreams. She left the country to pursue her own dreams and studied law again, because behind her father's back, she quietly studied law before.

She went to France to study there.

And then . . . everything was a dark black-hole.

She just woke up to find out that another three years were added to her age, with a head injury and the wounds and bruises on her boy and face that were close to healing. And a huge and unknown huge stitch mark on her belly. Aside from those, there was nothing.

"Good morning, Doc." She heard Yugeom, a nurse, greeted her as she went out of her clinic. She just smiled at him before walking away to the nurses' station.

Yugeom has been courting her since the day she started working at the hospital but she never give him the answer since.

It's not just him who gets the same treatment from her. Even those men who gives her attention and interest more that any ordinary man could.

She doesn't know why, but she can't just find the right reasons on why she kept on ignoring them.

She still feel stuck in that black-hole of her life, sucking her down, pulling her, preventing her from moving forward. Even if she tries hard on freeing herself, she just can't.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now