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For two years of living with a brain that bottled empty memories, Jae Kyung only felt that kind of hurting just now. It was so painful that she wanted to crawl out of her skin. Too painful.

She'd been tough. She forced herself to be brave and hard so she could survive the battles she was fighting, the loneliness, and all the doubts and uncertainties corrupting her mind every day of her life. She had to be strong to stand up for herself, to live and to keep fighting because no one will do that for her, except her, and she alone.

She thought she was strong enough. She lived and go on with her life because she's strong enough. She thought she was brave. Yet she was wrong.

Jae Kyung found out that she can't tolerate this kind of pain. It bordered to physical pain. Even all her bones, were hurting. Even her breathing, is accompanied with pain. And she doesn't even know why.

She just saw Jeonghan with another woman, and it already brought her misery. It's as if she was hit by a lightning. It really shook her. Why?

"There you are."

The smile on Jeonghan's face vanished when she turned to him. A frown creased his forehead as he glanced at the rows of socks she was staring and then his eyes returned to her face.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

That's when Jae Kyung realized why he sound so irritated and closed her eyes and she felt how watery her eyes were.

"Ah, there's just something that went inside my eyes." She said while wiping her eyes. "Give me that." She softly said and pulled the cart that was with Jeonghan and put down the vegetables she was holding.

"Will you add some more?" She asked while organizing the things on the cart. It was just her excuse not to look at him. She doesn't want Jeonghan to see how affected and hurt she was. She's embarrassed of how she acted and she doesn't know why.

"Nothing." She heard Jeonghan answered.

"Then let's move to the counter?" She walked first while pushing the cart without even hearing him answer.

Jae Kyung could feel Jeonghan's heavy stare behind her. Jeonghan didn't say anything and they were silent as they loaded their items until they went out of the supermarket.

Jae Kyung couldn't live with this sparring silence. How much more if Jeonghan and her would be on the same roof?

Why would he even want to live with her? Is he mad at her?

And what if . . . what if Jeonghan would?

Somehow, that thought didn't set well in her stomach. And with what she just saw at the supermarket before, she can't even stand it, and what now if it happens inside her own house?

No, that she can't let happen. She has to keep Jeonghan out of the house, if she wants to live longer.

"I thought you have a very important appointment tonight?" She immediately asked when they got inside his car.

"I re-scheduled it." He simply said and buckled his own seatbelt.

"You shouldn't have done that."

Jeonghan stopped. His forehead creased and he turned to her. "Done what?"

You shouldn't have re-scheduled the important things you have to do, she said mutely. She can't voice it out because she felt that it's not right.

Upon thinking of Jeonghan in another place with another woman . . . her chest starts to tighten. It would be hypocrite of her to tell him to go and be with some woman.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now