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Eunha was here tonight. Why does that woman have to be at every place? Why does she feel like she was onto something?

Well, that's not a nice thought. And it's not a nice feeling either. But it stays there — a suspicion made by her own insecurities. And if she kept on thinking about it and assume the worst of it, it would be a threat to her own sanity. She would keep on thinking Eunha was up to no good and her trust would be at stake.

"That girl needs to know her place."

"Let her be. She might need something from Jeonghan Hyung." Hansol said to Irene.

"Hello?" Irene sarcastically said. "Doesn't she have a cellphone? She can always call him. Why come? Did anyone invite her? 'Cause I don't remember I did."

"Hey, don't accuse us. We just did what Mom told us. We just picked her up." Seungkwan was chewing on his chicken while speaking.

Jae Kyung sighed as she listened to them. She hopes that the time won't come that she would question Jeonghan. Of course, she will not. She knows that. Jeonghan doesn't love Eunha like a man to a woman, like a lover to a lover, like a husband to a wife. He doesn't reciprocate her feelings for him, if she ever had. That's why she has nothing to worry. Nothing.

She continued on what she's doing. Maybe she's just thinking too much. She has to do stuffs to not think about anything.

"Jae, are you okay?"

"Ah!" She gasped. Her finger was pricked by the stick. Taerin hurriedly came to her aid and pulled the stick off her hand.

"Oh my! I startled you, hmm. Sorry!"

She shook her head at Taerin. "No, it's okay. I didn't get wounded." It's her fault for thinking nonsense that she even hurt herself.

"What happened?" Irene came to her too to look at her finger. Good thing she didn't get any wound.

"We'll be the ones to do that." It was Soonyoung with the others. "You might get hurt again." Seungkwan smiled at her while he munched on his chicken.

She saw how Irene raises a brow at her brother. "And you're suddenly concerned now? You shouldn't have brought that . . . creepy stalker here. You know this is a family outing."

"That's enough guys. She's already here. We can't do anything about that." Jisoo told the two. "You can go, Jae. Get inside and change. You might get cold, you're still wet. Let us do that now."

As what Jisoo ordered, she left the work to Minghao and Mingyu. She even heard them arguing while she's walking away. She caressed her finger while walking inside the house. Good thing that the barbeque stick was not that sharp because if it is, then she could have a cut by now.

She didn't saw Jeonghan inside the house and same as Eunha. Did the two of them talked outside? Or maybe Eunha was already at her room, changing or resting?

The cold penetrated her body that's why she hurriedly went to their room and change. Jeonghan was not even there.

She pulled off her wet clothes and changed into a cashmere sweater and shorts.

After changing, she thought of calling Jeonghan but her forehead creased when she heard a phone ringing inside the room.

She found it under the bed sheet. Jae Kyung sighed. There's no use calling him when he didn't even have his phone with him.

She picked it up and saw numerous missed calls from a caller named PJ.

Her brows resembled a frown and she remembered the call this afternoon. Maybe it was not Eunha who called Jeonghan a while ago. Chae Yeong said — or assumed — that she didn't have Jeonghan's private number. It was only her and his family who knows. So maybe, it was this PJ who called him.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now