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I groped for the tie that was heavily choking my throat and loosened it harshly around my neck. But it didn't help to ease away the disturbing feeling inside my chest.

I watched the rain as I counted the seconds. I don't know why I'm being all anxious right now, and I don't want to think that something bad happened to Jae that's why I'm feeling like this. But I can't just calm down.

I tried to suppress it but it only seemed to be growing with each passing time as I watched the torrent rain.

I held my hair with my hand. I stroked it like a madman, messing it wildly in disarray just as how I felt. I touched the moist window of the restaurant while checking every car that's passing urgently.

Of course, my wife's not coming until the rain calms down. She would be parking somewhere there. So why do I feel so . . . worried? Scared even?

What the hell . . . .

I couldn't take another minute of this torment. I felt like I'm breathing death waiting for the rain to stop. I need to hear Jae's voice again. I need to talk to her again and know she's fine and still out there without a scratch. I took my phone out and speed dialed her number.

"The number that you have dialed is either unattended —"


I cursed when I didn't reach her. I tried again and waited for her to answer. "Pick up, Jae, please." I prayed in a murmur. But it all was the same. Jae's not answering.

"The number that you have dialed is either unattended or out of coverage area —"

"Goddamn it!" I cursed and clenched my phone with his fist. I almost tossed it against the wall if not for Jeongyeon.

"Sir, is everything okay?"

I turned towards my secretary, and I suddenly felt how my head felt like ocean waves clashing onto the hard rock.

My eyes roamed all over the four corner of the room — the candles, the petals of roses spread all over the floor, the blinking Christmas lights that looked like fireflies in the dark, the bouquet of flowers on the table . . . everything I took pains to prepare for this surprise for my wife . . .

Trepidation filled me again.

"No . . ." I whispered, my chest felt tight with emotions.

Something was definitely wrong.

I don't know what is it but I know it's not good. I don't want to think it was about Jae that something bad might've happened to her. I don't want to think about that, especially she's alone in the middle of this heavy rain.

But, fvck! I couldn't stay still.


I ignored Jeongyeon and walked over to my coat and grabbed it.

"Take charge here." I said while hurriedly putting on my court. "Call me if she's here. I'll just check on something."

"I can do it for you, Sir. Maybe Ms. Jae Kyung's already on her way."

"No, you stay here." She turned back on her and told his driver that he's going out for a while.

"Are you sure , Sir? I'll drive you then."

"No, thank you. Just accompany Jeongyeon here. Call me if ever . . ." Something happens . . .

But I didn't say it. I felt like it would be a bad omen if I speak them out loud.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now