36: STAB

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Jae Kyung watched how surprised Eunha was when Jeonghan cursed. She saw fear in her eyes and the way she flinched from Jeonghan's angry voice.

Even her, she doesn't know the reason why he just cursed and on why his reaction why like that when he saw her there.

Eunha end up doing nothing when Jeonghan pushed her and walked towards Jae Kyung angrily. Jae Kyung met him halfway with her eyes pinned on Eunha. And she was surprised with what Jeonghan did next.

Without any preamble, Jeonghan cupped the back of her head and brought his head down for a fierce kiss. His lips were hardly pressed on hers and it's filled with emotions she's not sure about. She didn't expect for his kiss. She still had her eyes wide opened when she felt his tongue brushing her lips. And then he pulled away.

With a raising brow, she met his gaze. Her lips were still stinging from his kiss.

"What was that for?" She asked. "Public display of affection?" She joked but he remained serious.

"You saw it, didn't you?" His chest slowly went up and down.

She sneaked a peek behind him, and she saw Eunha walking away from them.

"Saw what?" She asked feigning knowledge about what happened even if she could see through Jeonghan's eyes what he is asking about.

"That." He simply said.

He meant the kiss.

Did he kiss her because of that?

She pushed her head back slightly to look at him. He looked angry, but she wasn't scared. She could feel that his anger is not for her. But as she stared at him for long, she could see that through his anger, there belied his fear — fear for her. Fear because of her.

She nodded. "Yes. I saw that."

Then he let go of a sigh. "Fvck!" He harshly tugged on his hair.

She doesn't know but she's liking the reaction she's getting from Jeonghan. It made her feel like a jewel he was afraid to lose. That's why she can't help but tease him herself.

"I didn't expect she does that with you. Is that even right?"

"No!" He hurriedly disagreed. "Of course no. That doesn't mean anything. I don't even know why she did that. I wish you didn't have to see that."

A laugh came out from her and he looked at her with a frown.

"Why are you laughing?"

"You sound so defensive."

"Because you looked jealous! And I'm not liking any bits of it."

"Well . . ." Maybe she really looked jealous. That's what she really felt. And for a while there, she almost wanted to pull Eunha's hair and rip her away from Jeonghan. But Jeonghan suddenly cursed and he himself walked to her and kissed her.

She gets it. She doesn't have anything to be jealous of. Jeonghan won't give her a reason to be.

She sighed. "I was. I can't help it. But I really understand that Eunha's your friend, so don't worry. It's nothing." She's nothing.

He took a deep breath like he's been finally off the hook.

It suddenly melted something in her seeing him almost breaking down from relief. Does her words mean that much for him?

"You're not angry?" He was worried while looking at her.

"What would you do if I was?" She asked. She wants to know.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now