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Jae Kyung watched his hands flexed on the knob and noticed that he had a tight grip over it, as though he was afraid it would slip out of his hand and do something he didn't want to do.

Her heart skipped a beat. What did he want to do then, aside from just standing there?

"D-did you forgot something?" She asked tentatively as she looked at him guardedly.

She confusedly looked at the pajama beside her. He wanted her to put them on? He returned just for that?

She groaned inwardly and almost smacked her head then for thinking such abashing thoughts. She's been thinking about so many things maybe the effect of reading too much romantic novels.

If Jeonghan could read her mind right now, he'll probably die laughing. She's embarrassing. Would she actually let him do that?

She sighed before turning to Jeonghan. "Uhm . . . Can you stay outside for a while?"

"Just put it on." He said.

Jae Kyung blinked one. Twice. But Jeonghan remained standing at the door. Not leaving, not moving.

Was he really serious? She will change in front of him?

She waited for a few seconds thinking he's be moving out but it seems like Jeonghan doesn't have a plan on giving her time to change properly.

"Hurry." He said impatiently. "I need to tell you something."

"You can actually wait outside if you want to tell me something." Why does he have to stand at the door and watch her change?

"I don't have time to wait. I need to go back."

She frowned. He'll return to his meeting at this hour?

She didn't argue back. She stood up and took her t-shirt with her and turned her back on him. She slid her shirt on and she could see him watching her from the mirror as she did and it made her face grew hot. She prepped up her messy hair and lowered down the towel to her cold legs. She just can't wear her pajamas — not while he's still watching.

She then faced him. "Okay na?"

He scanned her from head to toe, and it stayed longer on her reddish foot. She tried not to wiggle her toes. She's getting chilly with his stares.

"That's better."

She sighed. "What do you want to say?" She asked. She shifted uncomfortably because it was awkward talking to him without her undergarments on.

"Be early tomorrow. We need to go somewhere."

"But tomorrow's Saturday."

"I know. That's why I made the appointment. I'm just free tomorrow."

She's more confused than ever. "Appointment?"

"To one of my friend."

"And what does that have to do with me? Why should I be there?" She asked again. Why can't he just explain everything at once? And why would he need her to be with him that early just to visit a friend?

He didn't answer immediately. He just stared at her. And then he said. "He's a neurologist."

"Neurologist." She whispered. She tried to calm down but she just can't control her remotions. "You made an appointment in my behalf without my permission?"

His expression didn't change. He's still calm and collected. "You need to see a doctor."

"I already told you that I don't need it, right?"

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now