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Does it matter? Does it really matter who loves more in a relationship? If he loves you more than you love him? Or if your love is greater than what you get in return?

Does it matter?

Maybe it doesn't. As long as you love each other, that is what's important, right? It's all that matter — that you both love.

But every time Jae Kyung ponders on that thought, it gets scary. If she thought she loves Jeonghan, that she loves him more than he does, she's scared.

She's afraid the while she's falling deeply in love with him, she felt that she would be buried deep if Jeonghan would leave her.

But it wasn't like she could stop herself from loving him. Even in silence, even in his absence, she keeps on loving Jeonghan. Besides, what she's thinking won't happen, right? So she really doesn't have to weight who loves more between the two of them. She shouldn't.


Chae Yeong's voice pulled her away from her roiling thoughts, and that's when she realized her phone was ringing.

"That – has been ringing for a while now." Chae Yeong said in a chuckle while she's getting her phone out her bag.

She knows it was Jeonghan who was calling and if she doesn't answer that quickly, he'll come driving his way here again, just like what he did yesterday when she didn't answer his calls.

"Where are you?" He greeted her in a very impatient tone.

Smile immediately crept on her face. He's always impatient. And demanding. But she loved every bit of it. Even if she just hears Jeonghan's voice, she could already guess his mood.

"At Aurora." She said and looked at the dark streets. Time passed by quickly. When she arrived, the sun was still setting. Maybe he's already home.

"What are you still doing there at this time?" There goes the demanding tone. She shook her head.

"Chae Yeong let me see something — but don't worry." She immediately continued before he could start his lecture. "I'm still with her here. How about you? Are you already home?"

"No, I was just coming home. Stay there. I'll get you there."

"Okay . . . I'll wait for you."

"Jeonghan?" Chae Yeong asked when she put down her phone. She was looking at something on her iPad but when she looked at her, one of her eyebrow was raised in amusement. "He wants you home?"

"Maybe." She shrugged. Of course. Jeonghan won't come for her to take her for a trip.

"You're really guarded by him, huh?" She shook her head while smiling. "I can't believe I'd live to see him so head over heels one day. Of all the years I've been working with him, I haven't seen him taking off his own suit just to be sat down by a person. And mind you, he doesn't give hi PN to just anyone."


"Private number. He's such a private person that even his friends' calls, it was Jeongyeon who would answer. It's just his family who had that number and, of course, Jeongyeon."

"How about Eunha? She's his legal adviser, right?" And she already saw Jeonghan and Eunha talking on the phone once.

Chae Yeong thinks for a while then she shook her head. "No, I don't think so. When Jeonghan and Eunha talked about something, especially if it's important, Jeonghan would get the phone form Jeongyeon. But I'm certain that Eunha doesn't have Jeonghan's private number." She said and came back to her iPad. "Eunha's my best friend, if you're asking why I knew."

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now