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"This one's great too."

Jae Kyung looked at Chae Yeong's iPad and saw a retro-themed interior design. Jeonghan got her as the interior designer of her restaurant and she didn't disagree. She actually knows what she's doing.

In fact, Jae Kyung was very impressed when Chae Yeong modernized the old guest room and turned it into a more defined room. Maybe she already got the design Jeonghan wanted to have in his room.

She pursed her lips and thought of how she envisioned her restaurant.

"I just want it to be simple and that could occupy a huge space, but could accommodate many customers. You think that's possible?"

"It would be. We just have to choose the right furniture for you that would also fit the concept that you wanted. Let's see . . ." Then she started scanning the whole place with her junior assistant.

Jae Kyung glanced around the whole shop. She still can't believe how her hobby would turn into a dream. It was happening in front of her eyes.

But she still can't help but question herself if she could do all of these. What if she had lapses? It could happen.

But then, she's not really working, right? She would just manage it, be her own chef, and she could always get an assistant if she wants to.

So, where's the problem? There really isn't a problem.

Maybe she just had some mixed emotions and her feelings right now were out of nervousness.

Well, she was just very thankful that she has Jeonghan's full support and he's not disagreeing on her opinions. It was him who got mad first when she started working again.

At least now, she doesn't feel like a prisoner anymore. Jeonghan's letting her leave the house, especially now that they already have a housekeeper and someone would look out for the house when they're not around.

And he's always on check with the updates on her and Chae Yeong. He always checks for updates even if he's in his office. He even called few minutes ago and asked if there were any problems.

She smiled when she remember the time he was so against her working. She was so mad at Jeonghan when he restricted her from working. But look at her now, she immediately agreed and quit from her work.

Well, things change . . . and so do human hearts.

If Jeonghan could choose her so easily without regret or second thoughts and set his vengeful pride aside just so he could take her back . . . Why can't she?

The least she could do now for him was to retrieve her memory. For her to answer his own question. More than her own desire to know about her past . . .

"You like it?" Chae Yeong collected her from her own thoughts.


Chae Yeong grinned. "The walls."

She looked at the concrete she's talking about but she ended up seeing nothing. She was lost. She can't follow what they're talking about before.

She grinned even more. "You're smiling there; I thought you liked my suggestions." She laughed. "Is that what people do when they're so much in love? They space out?"

She felt her cheeks burn and Chae Yeong laughed even more. Is she that obvious? She wondered what Chae Yeong knows about her and Jeonghan.

"That's okay." Chae Yeong said. "Anyway, I'll take care of the furniture. I'll just send you some pictures so you could choose. And as for the walls." She emphasized the last word. "I will prepare a catalogue for you, or better yet, I'll just make design presentation together with some other details so you could only choose, okay?"

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now