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WARNING: Strict Parental Guidance is advised.

Strictly for matured reader only.

"Shh . . . Shhh . . ." Jeonghan whispered while rubbing her back. But her tenderness only made her want to weep even more. "It's okay, sweetheart, it's okay . . ."

No . . . it's not okay. Everything was not okay. She was never going to be fine.

He moved away from her and pulled the strands of hair that's covering her face. He even wiped the messy tears away from her cheeks and made her look into her eyes.

"Tell me what's wrong, Jae. Why are you crying?" He looks so worried while waiting for her answer. She didn't even know how to begin.

Her eyes moved down to her fingers, She wringed them and looked for an answer. A word to start how she would tell him.

"Hey . . ." He brought her head back with his thumb and forefinger. Now, she can't escape from his syncretizing eyes. "Now, tell me what the matter is. You can't just keep you silence, Jae. Talk to me."

Her lips trembled when she opened them to speak. She felt like she came back to the times where she had trouble speaking. Her accident, her loss of speech, her amnesia, even the death of her father . . . all of them is the payment for what she had done. And now she couldn't even say sorry to her father.

Another well of tear sparked in her eyes. Her chest tightened by just thinking about her father. He was there for her, even when she thought the worst of him. Her father accepted her despite of her shortcomings. But her . . . what did she do to her father?

She caused him death. She was the reason why he had a heart attack. She gave him too much stress it caused his wealth, his age and even his life.

Jeonghan held her hands that were covering her face as she continued to cry her heart out. Her chest felt so tight it hurt to breath. Emotions were choking her.

"Jae, please . . ." He pleaded.

Her hands gave way. She pulled her hands down to look at Jeonghan. He looked so worried and concerned, so anxious.

She wished he was looking at her with his granite eyes. She could really face those eyes now. But with this soft, concern look on his eyes . . . they felt all sorts of wrong.

"I'm sorry . . ." She said. "I'm so . . . sorry." She sobbed harder as words failed her. That's the only thing she could say. Those were the words she wants to tell him before that she can't even say out loud.

Jeonghan slightly paused while still looking into her eyes. She knew his mind was working right now as she unveiled her eyes and she watched as the realization slowly dawned on him.

Her heartbeat slowed down and fear seized her as she waited — waited for his judgment. She felt like someone who was standing over the edge of a cliff, hovering but not falling.

"You . . ." He whispered and stopped. His lips parted but he didn't say anything, just as words failed her.

The past was reconnecting between them and for once, she was able to read his face so clearly as though for a second, he was removing the cloak that was hiding his emotions away.

Anger. Condemnation. Then he closed his eyes and breathed deep before looking at her again with steady eyes, the invisible curtains were back shading his expression.

"Do you remember everything?" He softly asked.

She took a deep breath before answering as she can't forget the anger in Jeonghan's eyes before. The past elicited anger in him, and Jae Kyung wondered if that would ever change.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now