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WARNING: Strict Parental Guidance Is Advised.

Jae Kyung will never sell their house, no matter what her sisters would say. She will find a way to pay their debts without resorting to that. She still have a week and three days left before the bank threw her to prison, or out on the street.

She got a job from a bar being a night waitress since every hospital she's applying for declined due to that Yoon Jeonghan's influence. And as of now, she's forced to settle down with a low budget just to get herself something to eat and for her daily allowance. She still needs to find another job.

Who was she kidding? Even if she'll be promoted as the manager of the bar, she still can't pay for her debts in a very short time. She has only at the end of the month!

And even if she decided to sell the house, she still couldn't find a potential buyer in a span of one week before the month ends.

If she can't pay, there's a huge possibility that she'll lose the house, also her Dad's car and everything that her father has provided for them. They will lose everything. And she will fail her father all over again . . .

But not if she do something to stop it.

Maybe . . . maybe if she talk to the owner of the bank and ask for time, they might listen to her . . .? Even if it's just for a few months more. She just needs a few times and another chance.

Determination burned inside her, steeling her mind. She will do everything just to protect everything that was dear to her. She can't afford to lose everything right now. She can't give up, not after she fought and escaped death before. She knows she'll work her way out this challenge.

Jae Kyung woke up early. It's not that she was excited to do what she had to do today. She just can't sleep while thinking on how she could convince the bank to give her a little more time.

She doubt if they will be so generous with her petition. But she had to try. After all, his father did what he did to keep her alive.

As what Jae Shin told her, their hospital came into a big problem when she left for France and it crumpled down little by little.

She's a bad daughter. She doesn't know why she didn't come home back then to help their father. She failed him. And when she's at the hospital, without knowing the reason, her Dad still helped her.

He applied for a loan to pay for her hospital bills. And it cost a fortune since she's been at the hospital for how many long months. Until her Dad had a heart attack while she's about to die.

The doctors saved her, but not her father.

Sometimes she thought that it's better for her to be gone that time since it seems like she's ready to let go at that moment. She didn't die, but she felt neither alive, living like this.

"Do you want coffee while you wait, Ms. Lee?"

Jae Kyung thoughts were cut off by the bank owner's secretary. She's about to turn down the offer but her stomach wants it.

She had been eating sandwich for the past days since it's the only food she can afford when she's off to work. She doesn't have the time to pamper and cook for herself since she's too busy looking for a huge paying job.

But she's having a hard time getting a decent one because of her health history. Her amnesia was not helping her land in a job she wanted — needed — to have. But she can't do anything about it. If they find that a liability than an asset, then maybe it was.

She nodded to her, accepting her offer. "Yes, please. Thank you."

Then a few minutes later the secretary return with a cup of coffee. "He will be here in fifteen minutes." She said before leaving her after letting the cup of coffee down the coffee table in front of her.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now