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Jae Kyung numbly on her chair. Shocked. It's been how many minutes since Eunha left her. She can't believe it.

She looked at the people surrounding her, couples who were exchanging secret looks from across the table while holding each other's hands, families celebrating, groups of friends laughing at a joke . . . everyone was happy while she sat there feeling like a lost child. Defeated. A fish out of water. A star without a spark.

She shouldn't blame the world for what was happening to her, she knew. But who would she blame? Yes, it was her fault why Jeonghan doesn't to do anything with her. It was her fault to commit such mistake.

But there's a hope called second chances, right? Why can't Jeonghan give her that? It was not like she didn't regret what she did. She bled for it.

Now, she can't even come close to him and tell him about their child.

Yeah, right . . . did Eunha mention about DNA?

She wants to laugh — if only it was that funny.

Did Jeonghan really think she left because she loved Rafael? But she didn't go with Rafael in the first place. She came back for him. For their family. He should know that. She has to tell Jeonghan that. But how, when she can't even come close to Jeonghan. How can she ever tell him that he was going to be a father?

Her sisters knew what happened and they were beyond mad, especially Jae Min.

"How can you be so stupid!" She shouted at her when she saw her in her room, crying. "You let your husband treat you like that?!"

She was just crying for the past days. Weak that she was, brokenhearted and unhappy. She felt like she's carrying the burden of the whole world. And she couldn't blame anyone but her.

From all that happened between her and Jeonghan, she can't believe that it didn't even matter to him anymore. Yes . . . from everything that they had . . . she can't believe that her husband could do that to her.

He was the one who left first.

Is this really what Jeonghan wants? To break up with her because of her mistake?

"Look!" Jae Min exclaimed slamming a newspaper on the table. Jeonghan was wearing a black coat and a shade hiding his eyes while walking outside the airport with a woman on his side.

"He's busy flaunting a fiancée in some place while you're here, crying! And damn that man, he doesn't even care how he left his wife!"

Jae Kyung could only cower from their disappointment and angry frustrations. There was nothing in her defense that she could say to save face because she admits it was her fault.

"You should move, Jae Kyung. Because I'm telling you, I won't let my nephew grow up without his father's care."

Her mind was a mess. But she only knows one thing. No matter what happened, she wants to tell Jeonghan the truth. She had to tell him about Rafael and the baby. And whatever his decision will be, she would understand.

But she felt like fate was not on her side.

One afternoon she heard her father and Jae Min raising their voices at each other at his office. Their voices were so loud she could hear them.

"Jae's not ready yet, Dad. For God's sake! That's not the answer to the company and the hospital's problem."

"Don't tell me what to do, young lady. I'm still the owner of the company! I know what I'm doing and that Yoon boy needs to learn a lesson!"

"Dad, just take everybody's advice. Sell your shares to the lesser devil. Don't go against that Yoon Jeonghan. He will just destroy the company. All of us know that. He's up to no good. But if you take Park's bargain, we can still secure everyone, even the company. Please Dad. Think about us, too. There are a lot of people in the company."

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now