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Jae Kyung got out of Carat Empire in a dazed state after she handed Jeonghan's phone to Jeongyeon. She was still processing everything that she had read.

What's happening? Why is everything in a mess?

What's Jae Min got to do with all this? Why is Jeonghan looking for their child?

Could he be . . . ?

No it can't be. Impossible. Even if she wants to believe that their son is still alive, even if she wants to pray over and over again . . . that maybe he's still alive, she knows he isn't. Their unborn child was dead.

But what if he's not? What if . . .

No. Her sister won't hide her son from her. They wouldn't be that cruel to her, would they?

She stared at the busy street and thought about calling Jeonghan. But Jeongyeon still has his phone. She can try and send him a message, but . . .

She sighed. She wanted to ask him so bad but she didn't want him to think she's snooping around his phone or something behind his back.

But then maybe . . .

Lee Jae Min.

Maybe she could call her sister. It would be best to talk to her personally. Besides the doctors and her father, her sisters stood as witnesses during her confinement. They are the ones who knew what really happened.

She hurriedly took out her phone and called her sister, prayer for her to pick her calls up. And that she wouldn't push her away like what Jae Rin always does.

"Damn it!" She cursed when Jae Min didn't answer.

"The number that you have dialed is either unattended or out of coverage area. Please try your call later. The number that you have dialed . . ."

She ended it and dialed again but it's still the same. No answer. With her shoulder sagging, she ended the call. There's no use.

She then typed a message hoping her sister would call when she reads them.

Jae Kyung: Eonnie, I want us to talk. About my child.

She send it and hoped Jae Min would call her soon.

She then felt droplets on her forehead followed by numerous ones. She realized it was raining. The first rain after the long summer and drought.

She ran fast to the nearest bus tent. She stayed there along with a lot of people. She stayed at the very corner and watched the rain wet the dry streets of Seoul.

Why does rain make people sad? She wondered. Was it how it darkens the sky before it pours? Was it the feeling of being cold?

Her father used to tell her when she was little that the sky cried when her mom died. After that, she had always thought the clouds are sad every time it rains. And it brought her sadness too.

But now, it brought her grief.

It also rained when she lost their child that night. She didn't even know what happened to him when she was unconsciously lying in the hospital bed. The only memory she had with her son was when she had her first ultrasound check back in Paris. She was so happy when she knew that she's going to have a son. She could still remember the muffled sound of his heartbeat . . . but they're all a hazy memory now.

She was sitting at that tent for two hours. She watched the rain until it very last drop. She was almost alone and the people with her a while ago slowly vanished, it was only her and two old couples who's sitting there. Not like her, the two seems to be so happy about the rain.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now