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I KNOW HIM. That's what Jae Kyung's mind keeps telling her as their eyes met. With her eyes filled with sadness and fear while his were filled with anger and hatred.

Anger . . .?

Why does this man hate her?

All her life, she never knew men like him. But she could not know it, could she? Not when she has a huge hole of blankness on her brain, leaving her memories empty. She has nothing to remember for the years of her life since she woke up two years ago in a hospital.

So why does she feel, not only think, that she knew this man? Knew those deep black eyes that seemed to see through the depths of her soul, even her unknown memories. She knew that face, Jae Kyung realized with a surprise. Those people with the kind of face this man is having were the people that were not easy to forget.

So why did she?

But then, maybe . . . He didn't stay long enough in her life for her mind to remember that face, did it?

Since the day she woke up, the instances in her life has never been so sure and believable. There had always been constant questions in her mind, doubts and a lot of maybes. Nothing was ever sure. Yet this man is different.

She simply knew. But who is this man in her life that her mind keeps on making her forget about him? And why does she feel fear is she knew him? Is it possible that this man holds the other memories her brain was looking for?

"Jae Kyung."

That single word was enough to inflict pain in her head. Yet she stopped herself from touching her head. She tried hard on fighting the pain and trying to remember that voice from her head. But the pain keeps n surging more as she tries to remember.

The man frowned, concern graved on his handsome face. With just three steps and he's already next to her.

"God damn it! Sit down!" He commanded harshly. He let her sit down on a single couch in front of his huge office table before he moved away from her as if she's a flame that's burning him down. "What the hell is the matter with you? You look like someone who've seen a ghost!"

No. Jae Kyung didn't believe in ghost. But at that moment, she just wished of a ghost that a human in front of her.

She stared at the man warily from her seat, her head was still pounding. His breathing was not stable. He was obviously keeping his anger in control.

Fear crept inside her. He's very tall and obviously a huge man. If this man would hurt her, she doesn't think she could stand a chance.

But this man doesn't have the looks to hurt her inside his own office. Right? Besides, she has a reason on why she came there.

"I-I'm s-sorry . . ." She shut her mouth close when she heard herself stutter and cursed inside her head. Her old self is coming to light again.

Please. Not now.

Fear was robbing her words. That must be it. But right now, she needs to find her voice and make her head work. She's on the edge of her job. If this man was her boss, and for whatever reason she was scared of him, she needs to push those worries away.

Maybe they knew each other before, and perhaps she could ask him some answers. But now, she needs to pull back her work.

Just by thinking of her debts made her return to her senses and calm down her beating heart. She tried to catch some air before speaking again.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I was just surprised by your presence." Thankful enough, she managed to speak normally and fluently without stuttering. "You wanted to talk to me, Sir?"

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now