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Jae Kyung again. But all she could feel was the pain. The hollow pain that was grating on her chest, on every surface of her skin. It hurts so bad!

"Jae Kyung! Stop it!" The man restraining her arms shouted. He held both of her arms and it was making her feel more suffocated. She wants to get away! She just wants to disappear!

"Let me go! Stay away from me!" She shouted.

"Jae Kyung! What are you doing?!"

She wanted to tear herself up to pieces because that was how she felt deep inside. Broken and tattered into thousands of pieces, like a shattered glass.

The man continued stopping him. She hated him for doing that. She screamed. At the top of her voice, she tore the whole place down as she clawed her own skin. She had to get away from the pain.

"Jae Kyung! Please wake up! You're hurting yourself."

The man hugged her so tight that he could already break her. Her arms are in between them and she can't move away. Her whole body hurts like hell. Her eyes are swollen. Her tears didn't soothe the pain, but that was all she could do right now . . . to cry. Cry for her death.

"Jae Kyung . . . it's okay." He said so softly as if his voice could console her pain. He was stroking her back as he whispered to her ears. "Don't be afraid. It's just a dream. Just a dream. It's all just a dream, Jae. It can't hurt you . . ."

He continued doing that, again and again, until she slowly recognized his voice.

That voice . . .

"Jeonghan . . .?" She croaked, her eyes running around the room and relief rushed inside her, like the calm after a windstorm.

Right then, she knew she was saved. She was safe now . . . Jeonghan's there. He came for her. He rescued her.

Jeonghan slowly let her go. And when he was sure she was stable, he let her go. He stared right through her eyes. He fixed her hair and wiped away the wet trails on her cheeks.

"Are you okay?"

She heard the tremble note in his voice. Even if it's dark, she could clearly see the fear in his eyes. Her Romeo . . . was scared.

She caressed his face. Her hand was shaking, and it's so cold against Jeonghan's skin. He reached for it and held them together with her other hand, and he looked down on it as if he's examining them.

"Your nails are bleeding."

Then she looked at her hands too. Her nails are not that long but some of them had been broken and torn apart. She didn't even realize it when she's scratching her own body.

Now that she has calm down, she could feel her heart beating normally again, she remembered what she did. On how she wanted to hurt herself, on how she's trying to get off her clothes and tore them apart.

On how Jeonghan stopped her from harming herself. She almost didn't recognize him.

What she felt was real. Even now, she's still shaking . . . as if she came from the grave. She doesn't feel anything but pain.

Just like the first time she woke up at the hospital. She was calmed down by the doctors so many times because she intends to harm herself. She really wanted to tear her body apart.

She thought she was done with that. She thought it won't happen again . . .

Jeonghan turned her arms. He saw how her skin turned red from all the scratches but she can't frown. She doesn't even feel cold despite her ripped shirt.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now