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Jae Kyung didn't sleep properly that night. Her mind kept wandering off, keeping her awake all night. And that's because of the papers Jeonghan left for her.

What the heck did they mean?

The house — this house — that she thought Jeonghan took as a payment for her father's debt, their company that she thought Jeonghan destroyed . . . all of them were under her name. Jeonghan gave her back everything after he cruelly took them from her. What was the point?

She can't understand! Why? Why did Jeonghan do that? Why didn't he say anything about it? Why does he have to return the thing she thought he already made his own? Why did he let everyone think that he was ruthless? Why did he have to let her think that he was destroying her family and everything that she had? Why?

After everything that had happened . . . why did Jeonghan do this now? When things were in muddled water? Did he want her confuse? To make himself feel better? To ease his conscience?

Jae Kyung shook her head as she quickly picked up her bag on her way out of her bedroom. After all, she knows it's not Jeonghan's intention that's why he did that. And she needed to find out. Answers.

If he intended to surprise her, and maybe think that it would change her mind and take him back again — well, it didn't. There are things that just don't work out that way. At least, not to her. Everything is different.

"You're leaving, Ma'am?" Lin asked her as she descends down the stairs. She stopped from cleaning.

She nodded and remembered the address she's going to.

"Will you be eating lunch here, Ma'am?"

"I don't think I'll go home early."

"Uhm . . ." Lin paused. "Ma'am, how about Sir?"

She took a deep breath and opened the door. "He's not coming back." She said and shut the door close behind her.

But even as she said it, she herself wasn't sure he would. He still has some things left in the house. His walk in cabinet was still full of his clothes, ties, shoes and watches. His mac book was only at his study room, and some others things he needed at the empire. So maybe he would come back for it — or he might ask someone to pick them up for him.

Well, that's not her concern anymore. All she wanted from him now was to know about those legal documents he left her yesterday . . .

And to tell him about the fact that she was indeed pregnant.

She sighed as she pulled Jeonghan's Mustang outside the gate. Even his cars, he left them yesterday. In fact, he didn't bring anything with him when he left — as if he was expecting he would return.

But what if he'll return when he knew about their child?

A happy family would have been a dream. A good dream, she thought wistfully as she ran a hand onto her still flat belly. But it was a dream she was yet to have, to live . . . and maybe, it would remain just a dream.

There's too much that happened to her and Jeonghan. There had been too much pain. Too much ugly past. Too much beauty was lost. She doesn't know if they could still work it out. Right now, she just feels that what she did was the right thing to do.

Jae Kyung knew Jeonghan took the hard way letting her way, but it didn't mean she was wrong. She knew what she asked hurt them both, but it didn't mean it was wrong. She just had to burn some bridges to move on. To leave the past.

It took her half an hour to get to where she thinks she could find Jeonghan. She went out of the car and looked up at the white building in front of her. Her eyes squinted as she looked at the trademark hanging at the top.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now