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WARNING: Strict Parental Guidance is advised.

Strictly for matured reader.

(Please, if you're not into reading smuts, or you might find how I wrote my bed scenes disturbing, you can freely skip this chapter. And I would like to say for those who are willing to read it, I'm sorry if YEON JEONGHAN might TRASH OUT your BIAS LIST. Please play the song on the multimedia ON LOOP until you finished reading this chapter, you'll thank me later. Love, xx)

Jeonghan opened the door and they got out of the limo. But before she could walk away, he pulled her by her arm back to him. She was immediately wrapped around by Jeonghan's arms.

He leaned in and kissed her one last time before he pulled away and let her go. A full body shiver ran all over her skin as he trapped her with his half-lidded eyes that were blazing with desire, making them even darker.

"I want you to go inside to my bedroom, take off your clothes, lie down on the bed, and wait for me. I'll talk to the driver first."

She gulped while nodding her head. Her muddled brain wasn't really working properly at this point, but she could clearly imagine herself standing inside his bedroom — virtually naked.

He handed her the house key and walked to the driver's seat. With shaking knees she went to the front door. She inserted the key into the lock and went inside.

She walked upstairs, passed through her room and headed for his bedroom. She put the keys on his table and silently took a deep breath. She ran her hands up and down her dress as she tried to work on her courage.

She still has a choice to turn her back and leave now. But she couldn't quite push her feet to run as she looked at his enormous bed picturing herself lying naked under his duvet, waiting for him. She wanted him. Plain and simple. She can't turn her back now. Her love for him was burning for this. Her mind, body, and heart were all yearning for him.

Taking her time, she slowly slid the straps of her dress down her shoulder and stepped out it. She picked them up and threw them to the couch. Her hand hesitated for a slight moment before she peeled her underwear down her legs.

Standing on her birthday suit, Jae Kyung walked over to his bed and crawled under the cold bed cover. She could immediately smell Jeonghan's remaining fragrance on his sheets. She lied on her back and did what he told her — to wait for him.

Then she heard his slow steps. And then she saw him standing in the door. She sat down while looking at him. He closed the door silently while looking at her and she could hear the tick of the lock.

His penetrating gaze never left hers and she tensely watched him with anticipation as he moved closer to the bed, his fingers working on his shirt, unfastening the buttons. His suit jacket gone and the small bow tie on his neck.

Then he sat down on the edge of the bed beside her. He was so close to her now that she could glimpse the exposed chest beneath his half-opened shirt, so close that she could reach out and touch him. But she didn't.

Instead, she kept her hands on the cover, tightly gripping the duvet covering her breasts. A fire of excitement was licking through her blood and her body was tingling from head to toe.

Her eyes were trained on him as he lifted a hand to remove the pins that were holding up her hair. He put the pins on the side table without even leaving her face for a second. Her greedy senses were drowning from the dark and stirring musk of his skin. Then her hair came tumbling down over her shoulders.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now