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How did it happen? Why don't I have a ring if I am really married? Why my sisters didn't tell me? Did they know too?

There are too many questions that has been bugging Jae Kyung that evening that's why she didn't notice a customer suddenly standing up and hit the edge of the tray she's been holding making the drinks spill.

"Goddammit!" The man cursed as the drinks spilled on him. Jae Kyung tried to stop the bottle from spilling over but everything spilled onto the man's pants. The man hissed.

"I'm sorry!" Jae Kyung said in panic and immediately took some table napkins to wipe off the spills on the man's pants. "I'm sorry, Sir. I'm really sorry!"

"Fvck it!" The man angrily pushed her hand away. "Did you see what you did?! You ruined my outfit!"

Jae Kyung flinched and almost cowered back. "I'm sorry, Sir. I didn't mean t-"

"You didn't mean to?!" The customer suddenly shouted. His friends are already holding him way but he's really mad about what happened. Who wouldn't? When you just took a bath from different kind of drink mixes?

"What's the problem here?"

Jae Kyung turns more nervous when the owner of the club came. She secretly cursed inside her head when a thought of Seungri firing her from her job. And she can't blame him if Seungri would be also mad at her. It's her fault, anyway. She's not in her right state of mind but she still went to work.

"Here!" The man suddenly pointed at her. "This waitress of yours, she can't do her job properly!"

Seungri looked at her for a while before he sighed. Dread clawed in her guts. "I'm sorry, S-"

"It's okay, Jae." Seungri cut her off and held her on her shoulders. "I'll take it from here."

Seungri turned to her, confused. He's been her friend since college and that's why he accepted her for the job. And she's very thankful for that, especially when the times she's really in very difficult situations. But she's worried that Seungri might fire her because of her carelessness and he might think that she can't do anything right and act normal because of her amnesia.

"Seungri-" She started to explain but he signaled her to leave because the costumer was still angry and she won't be any help if she'll remain standing there.

"It's okay. You go." He nodded encouragingly at her. Jae Kyung felt relieved as she knows Seungri won't be kicking her out.

She even gains a glare from the costumer before she left him with Seungri. She immediately went to their quarter to stay there, to think and rest. She needs to keep herself together again before she handles another tray because if she spills another drink to another costumer, Seungri might not let her off the hook again.

Someone opened the quarter's door and Rin went in, Seungri's sister that has been his business partner and also the co-owner of the club.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she sat down beside her. Jae Kyung just nodded but Rin just stared at her. "Are you sure? You look like you're out of yourself a while ago."

Jae Kyung let go of a deep sigh. "I just don't feel fine a while ago." She said before half-smiling. There was no need pouring her heart out to her, and Rin doesn't need to know the reason behind that - that she's already married.

Nope. Definitely no need.

"If you want, you can go home early." Rin looked at her unsurely. "Instead of you in here but your mind is wandering off. Our customers might all go way."

She just sighed. Rin is right. She could have just called in sick and then maybe she could have avoided incidents from happening. But she can't do that because she's in need of money.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now