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If only she could believe that. But the small insidious voice inside her head wouldn't let her.

She held her head when she felt her surroundings starting to spin.

"Jae Kyung!"

She jerked away from her fall and found herself being held by Mingyu on her right and Jisoo on her left. They both held her in her shoulders and their faces are contoured with worry. Taerin and Seungcheol with the others were already beside her too.

She just blinked at the.

"Are you okay?" Jisoo asked softly.

She nodded and stood properly. Mingyu and Jisoo were slightly hesitant to let her go at first but they did when she stood steadily.

"Are you getting dizzy? Maybe it's because of the heat?" Mingyu continued to interrogate her.

"Maybe she just needs to eat something?" Nauen said behind her.

She glanced at Jeonghan on where he was. She saw someone toss him a shirt and he immediately wore it and followed the medics.

"He has to make sure she's okay." Seungcheol explained when he saw where she was looking at.

She nodded. "I'll just go inside to eat." Maybe it's just because she's hungry and the heat that's why she got dizzy.

"Can you walk?" Taerin asked her, obviously worried. "You might suddenly collapse."

"Not really." She felt okay. Maybe it's because of the heat that's why she suddenly blacked out. But she felt fine.

"Shua, Gyu, you two should take her inside." Cheol commanded. The two immediately came to her side, holding her by her arm before she could even protest.

He was already maneuvering her to walk when she heard her husband's voice.

"Jae?" Jeonghan called her. His forehead immediately creased when she turned to him. His steps were urgent that he reached her in no time. "What happened? Why are you so pale?"

He caressed her cheeks and felt her forehead and neck. He checked her head, her arms and her feet. And she remembered the same fingers pressing someone else's neck, his lips touching someone else's lips.

"Are you hurt?" He asked, worried. A tiny ache cut her chest.

She shook her head. She didn't care if she looked like ghost under the sun. All she wanted to know was why he wore that face when he was looking at Eunha. Like he's aching. Why?

"She's just hungry, Han." Seungcheol informed.

His frown deepened with worry. And guilt. Maybe he remembered that he's supposed to call her. That they should be eating together by now. Still, she didn't want his guilt. She wanted her questions answered.

"You should go now, Han. We'll take care of Jae. You should check on Eunha for now."

"Let Mingyu or Junhui or someone else check on her." Taerin argued with Cheol. Maybe she could feel what a wife must feel.

"It's fine. I'll go." Jeonghan said while looking at her, as if asking her permission.

No, she won't let him. But that was the green eyed monster telling her no. Her conscience wants him to go. She understands. Eunha is his friend.

And that was what's wrong. She understands yet she still feels the pang of pain.

She just nodded to let him go. It was what Jeonghan wanted, right? To check if she was okay. He will be responsible if something happens to Eunha.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now