10: DAME

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"My god, Jeonghan! You can't do that. You can't keep me here!" Jae Kyung shouted at Jeonghan when she realized what he said.

She was hot on her heels running after him. But he doesn't care. He just turned his face slightly at her and smirked.

"Try me." He said with a shrug and a smug expression that was beginning to infuriate her.

"I'm serious, Jeonghan."

He laughed under his breath. "Trust me, this is not something I would lightly joke about."

Jae Kyung clenched her fist while stopping herself from bursting. It was all she could do to hold herself together. Why was it that when it comes to this man, her emotions always seemed to be volatile and uncontrollably explosive.

"I agreed on the condition on the contract to stay here with you. I agreed to live her because I want to take care of this house. But that doesn't mean that I'm okay with anything you want to do. You can't make me a prisoner inside my very own house!"

He cocked his head in an amused face. But the glint in his eyes changed immediately. They looked fiercer and harder now.

"Last time I checked, I owned this house. And so are you. You should remember that. It's my word against you."

Own her?

Jae Kyung's teeth gritted together out of sheer frustration. That was supposed to sound romantic and territorial. But the way he said it only made her cringe.

It didn't feel territorial. He might be marking her as his own property or possession — but not the way she wanted to be labeled. He wanted her as a slave. A human with no freedom, no free will . . . with no life at all. He was forcefully stripping down her dream away from her.

"This isn't just about work, Jeonghan."

His jaw clenched. She somehow felt that he understood what she meant and knew what she was talking about. She had shared her dreams to him.

Now that was odd how she easily remembered that.

"I'll continue working, even if you like it or not."

His jaw clenched even more, showing how angry he is. "Don't push it, Jae Kyung. I don't like being pushed too far."

"Then stop holding me back from working." She said and walk passed him.

She muttered a silent thank you when Jeonghan didn't stop her. She just wants to stay away from him even for a while because her thoughts and emotions are at a mess right now. She's angry but she couldn't hate him. She didn't even know if she can hate her husband with how he's treating her like a slave. Maybe that's how furious he is to her, that he could treat him as a slave even if she's his wife.

She hurriedly got her bag off the counter and her shoes on the floor before she got out of the kitchen and left.

She was already inside her room when the flashbacks of the happenings before came to her. And she can't help but bring out a smile since for the very first time, she had the power to draw the last words in their conversation.

Jae Kyung woke up early the next day to cook for breakfast. Yesterday, she didn't even prepare Jeonghan his coffee. It made her feel wrong. A feeling like she neglected her own child and husband.

She likes to think she's doing this because it's what she ought to do. But inside her, she knows that there is another reason. This was her duty as his wife — something she doesn't remember doing.

Besides, he might make it a basis that she's not doing her job for him properly.

She stared at the food-filled cardboard. She thought of what kind of food Jeonghan usually eats in the morning. Yesterday, a casserole was set on the table with some fresh fruits, sunny side up egg, sausages, at bread.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now