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"Let's go."

"Jeonghan, wait!" She tried to stop him but she's too late. He went out the car.

Her heart was beating so fast and so hard. She could feel the apprehensible panic that was slowly rising inside her.

She doesn't want to go out. She really doesn't want to! Jeonghan can't make her! She won't be going anywhere; she'll just stay inside his car. Or maybe she could go home alone.

She scrambled to open the door. Before she could go down and escape she saw Jeonghan walking back to the car. He stood in front of the hood of the car and crossed his arms, waiting for her. He looked so bored while waiting for her.

She got out of the car and faced the one guarding her. "Jeonghan please, I don't want to get inside." She said to him bravely.

His brows furrowed. "Why not?"

Because she's too darn nervous!

Okay, maybe that was a lame excuse. She knows that. But she's seriously nervous! She could feel her heart beating abnormally loud as if it wants to get out of her chest.

After all that happened today, she's worried about what would happen tonight. What if she makes a fool of herself inside? What if his family hates her? What if his parents were mad at her, that she left their son? What is Jeonghan's family won't accept her after all that she did?

What aboutr her condition? How would she even pretend she was normal? She she doesn't have a problem with her brain?

What Jeonghan wanted to do was trouble!

She took a deep breath and collect heself. "I'll just go home."

"That's a stupid idea. You can't catch any ride at this time."

"I can call a cab." She said.

"You think I will let you do that?"

She bit her bottom lip. Of course, he wouldn't!

"What's the problem, Jae Kyung?" He asked her, obviously irritatated by her behavior.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier that we're heading here?"

"I already told you this morning." He simply answred.

"But you didn't tell me it's with your familt!"

This is an absolute mess! She shouln't has come with him. She wished she just fight back if ever Jeonghan would really carry her just to get her inside hi car. At least maybe she wouldn't be here now. She would've been at her house npw, resting and not wrapped in this type of situation.

Jeonghan came to her when she didn't move right next to the car. She thought he would grab her and drag her inside. And her skin actually tingled as she anticipated his touch. But he stopped inches away from her and he just stood in front of her, keeping his hands to himself and pinned her with his assessing eyes.

"Why, Jae Kyung? What did you expect then? Or were you thinking of entirely someone else?"

She stayed muted. How could he read her so easily?

He suddenly chuckled in amusement. "Relax . . . I was just teasing." He checked his wrist watch before moving away from her. "Let's go inside. They must be waiting for us."

"Jeonghan." She called him again. She didn't want him to know what was ticking her, but her quivering voice betrayed her.

When Jeonghan turend to her the expression on his handsome face changed. He now could see and decipher the worry and anxiousness in her eyes. She just can't go inside casually and let his family see her. She's too scared.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now