11: EMIR

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That's the only thing Jae Kyung remembered about that woman. Besides that, she doesn't know her and why she acted like that when that woman arrived.

Were they friends? Were they enemies? Nemesis maybe? Why does her name hurt her the first time she heard of it? Why does she felt too hurt when she saw that woman?

Jae Kyung wondered if Eunha was just that — Jeonghan's lawyer. Or is she just being paranoid?

She was deep in her thoughts when the door of the staff room suddenly opened and Jeonghan's unreadable face is all she could see. The last drop of pain in her head suddenly flew away at the sight of him. The sharp angles of his face were stark with anger. But Jae Kyung could feel that his anger is not towards her.

The room suddenly felt small and oppressive with his ominous presence. Their room was a mess since her co-workers just finished having lunch there. The smell of the food is still inside the room.

"Sir, you're not allowed in here." Tin followed behind trying to stop Jeonghan. Even her other co-workers came after Jeonghan.

"Jae, I'm sorry. He's too eager to enter. Just rest there."

"It's okay, Tin. Just let him be." They can't really make him leave too easily. He was his own rule. He follows no order. He does things according his own way.

"B-but . . ."

"Don't worry, guys. I know him."

Their eyes came back and forth from her to Jeonghan. She even saw how Vivian's face turned red while staring at Jeonghan.

"Fine. But you need to hurry. This is still a restricted area." Tin said and rolled her eyes on Jeonghan before pulling the others out one by one.

She sat up properly when the two of them were left alone. Jeonghan stayed at the door and Jae Kyung can't stay still with how he's staring at her. It was piercing.

"You shouldn't have left your friends there." She broke the silence. She felt like there's a huge animal inside the room. "They might be wondering why you're here."

"What just happened out there?!" He demanded instead, in a thick, calm voice. But there was a distinct hardness in it.

"Nothing . . ."

"Nothing?" His voice sharpened. "You almost fainted!"

"I'm okay now, Jeonghan. It's nothing. I'm already used to it."

His jaw clenched, it's obvious that he doesn't like what she said. But like it or not, it was the truth. She was used to it since everytime her mind wants her to remember something that thing always happen. She hurts. As if her head would be broken any minute.

It was okay, instead of not remembering at all. She's okay.

"Where's yours?" He suddenly asked. His eyes towards their lockers

She looked at hers and Jeonghan followed her gaze. He moved towards it without a word and tried entering her lock combination. A click sounded.

Her eyes widened. How did he guess her password?

She stood up when Jeonghan opened her locker and got her bag without informing her. "What are you doing?"

"You're getting off. We're leaving now." He answered hardly. He didn't even look repentant.

"I can't. My shift isn't over yet."

"The hell with it!" He muttered harshly. He pulled her by her arm but she pulled back.

"Jeonghan, what the heck!"

His jaw tightened even more at what she acted. "You need a goddamn doctor! Can't you see? You're so damn pale, you look like death!" He almost shouted.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now