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Jae Kyung woke up the next day feeling so light she thought she could levitate in the air. Jeonghan still love her. It's true that his ways of expressing it and showing her might have changed, but his feelings have always been there.

She opened her eyes when she felt that Jeonghan's not beside her. Her brows creased when she saw it was only seven in the morning. Where is he this early in the morning?

She got out of bed, not minding the pain on her whole body, especially the part in between her thighs. Making love with her husband gets more intense every time, she thought she couldn't keep up with it. But last night, it was soulful and . . . raw. She felt his love and it seemed to complete the missing puzzle in her life.

She hurriedly held the nearest wall when she felt her surroundings spinning. She breathe in and out so many times because she felt something's mixing inside her stomach.

Did she catch a bug?

She stood still for a while until the dizziness disappeared. Maybe her body was just shock with her sudden movement.

She entered the bathroom and hurriedly took a shower and changed later on. She wore her gypsy white dress and flats. She was about to get out of their room when she remembered her phone.

She got it and saw Jeonghan's message.

Jeonghan: Morning, sweetheart. I'm sorry, I can't join you and your friends today. I have a appointment today. Eat your breakfast without me. I'll be back later.

His appointment seems to be too early.

She kept her phone and went out. She won't think of that now. After all that happened last night, after all that has been said, there's should be no room for doubt anymore.

She then found Irene at the dining area. She's alone.

"Good morning, Jae! Come, join me."

"Where are the others?" She asked while seating down. She looked at the table. There are still unused plates.

"They're already done. It's me you and the maknae line, apparently. They're still drooling on their pillows right this moment, I bet. Anyway, where's Han Oppa? He hasn't eaten yet."

"He left early."

Irene looked at her. "This early? Where is he going?"

She lifted one shoulder. "I don't know. I didn't ask him."

She felt her face burn when Irene stared at her. She realized how pathetic that sounded, even to her own ears.

She's his wife. That's why she has the right to ask him.

But . . . why didn't she?

They heard footsteps and saw the others coming. Some of them were yawning while they're stretching their arms while in their sleepwear. And some are already dressed up like Chan, Mingyu, Minghao and Vernon.

"Seriously, Chan? You're wearing jumper?"

The youngest one's brow pricked and messed up his already messed up hair as if not minding Irene criticizing his outfit.

"And what about it? I like them. They're cute."

"How about minion shirts? You have them too?"

Chan just smirked before he smiled at Jae Kyung. "Minions are cute, and baymax too, right? I thought girls like them."

"Your girlfriend gave that to you?" Irene said while laughing.

"Hey, why are you laughing? Mom bought this for me. I'll tell you to her."

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now