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Jae Kyung didn't answered Jeonghan's question when he arrived at the penthouse and continued packing her stuffs. She went to get her things out of his walk in closet and pulled all the dresses she left hanging there.

Jeonghan walked over her and stopped her arms from moving. But she didn't looked at him.

Damn, but she felt betrayed at!

"Jae, what's happening? Why are you packing your things?"

She closed her eyes and debated against telling him what she just found out. But she feels too hurt. She couldn't believe Jeonghan could do that. That he would lie to her!

"Jae . . . " He called again. She could clearly her anxiousness in his voice.

Well, he should be.

"Let me go. I need to finish this." She said coldly and pulled her arm from him.

He suddenly stood in front of her and restrained her from putting her clothes inside her luggage.

"Hey." He said softly while trying to meet her gaze. His hand reached her cheek and tilted her face but she still avoided his gaze. She's too hurt and too angry that she's close to tearing up but she can't cry. Her anger was not letting her crash.

"What happened? What's this?"

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. This was hurting her too much. She felt like everything they did together was just a lie.

Jeonghan. His feelings. His love. Everything. She doesn't know which parts were true.

"Jae, you're scaring me." He held her cheeks and let their foreheads meet. His breath was caressing her nose and her closed lids.

She doesn't know if she's just over reacting or it's about her anger, but she was damn hurt.

Jeonghan lied to her. All along, he was lying to her.

When she went home, she immediately searched his name on the internet. And it was there . . .

He's no one as Park Jeonghan. He was Yoon Jeonghan — a business tycoon who is an heir to a multibillionaire business empire. He wasn't a photographer. He's a bank manager and the CEO of Carat Hotels. Every detail about the women he dated and those who are linked to him were written there. International model, movie actress, beauty queens, and others those were way younger than him. Even his beautiful lawyer was rumored to be his fiancée.

She knows she shouldn't believe them. They were his past. They were rumors. But at least, to them, Jeonghan didn't lie.

How can she think that all of these were important — her — to Jeonghan?

"Let go." Her voice was tremble as she removed his hands on her face. She couldn't deal with his lies.

She moved away from him and put her clothes in her luggage. She wanted honesty. Jeonghan knows that from the start. But she can't understand why he hid his true identity from her. Does she matter to him at all?

"Jae, talk to me. Why are you being like this? What? Did I do something? Tell me." He pleaded while still chasing her.

She stopped and he also stopped from following her. She wants to be honest and tell him what he did wrong but she just can't. She has always hated confrontations. She always chooses the easy way out because she knows everything will fall apart once she starts to talk. With all her anger and her hurt right now . . . she might say things she'll surely regret in the future.

She zipped her bag close and with one deep breath, she faced Jeonghan and handed him a paper with his real name printed on it before walking out of the room.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now