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Jae Kyung could feel she was alone even with her eyes closed. She knows Jeonghan was not on her side. He was already gone.

She opened her eyes and looked at the empty space beside her. Her hand reached for the pillow next to her, where his head had left a mark.

Memories are just memories. They don't hold a knife, not even a dagger. So why does remembering them hurt her so much?

She waited . . . hoping. But he still didn't say those words last night. And now, he left even before she could open her eyes.

Maybe Jeonghan didn't do those things he was used to do . . . but he could still possibly love her, right? He wouldn't take her back if he didn't. Maybe Jeonghan still loves he and his ways of showing it to her just changed. Anyway, word is not everything. Sometimes word can give a false sense of security to someone, especially if it's just an empty cold lie.

She would prefer on believing Jeonghan's actions that to hear some lies from him. She would choose to believe actions than words.

She smiled at herself, mocking her own naivety.

This is often the first step of heartbreak; when you start believing your own make-believes. When you let yourself fall into the depths of the fantasy opposite to what's real.

But it's what most people do in love. Believe. They just believe. Even if sometimes she would look stupid. Even if she's just lying to herself.

"Good morning."

She was lost in her thoughts that she didn't realize Jeonghan was already standing on the door. He had his arms crossed on his chest while leaning at the door frame and is looking at her.

She smiled to him and pushed away the thought that her heart just skipped a beat. He looked so dashing in daylight, even if he's just wearing a broad shorts and a white t-shirt.

"Good morning. You don't have work today?" She thought he's gone for work and had left early.

She gathered the sheets around her to cover her bare body and sat up lethargically. She tried climbing down the bed but Jeonghan stopped her. "No, don't get up yet. Just stay there." He said as he got something from the side table.

Then he turned with a tray on his hand. She felt like her heart turned into a melting cheese watching Jeonghan walking over her with a sexy smile on his face.

She smiled even more when she saw red roses on a vase on top of the tray on his hands. Because of them, she remembered their first day as husband and wife, after their wedding at Paris, France. Jeonghan prepared her breakfast too, that time, it came with white roses.

She picked them from the vase and she immediately smelled it's fragrance. It was still fresh.

"Breakfast in bed?" She said while grinning at Jeonghan who's already on the bed with his elbows plopped down, with his hands at the side of his face, just like a flower and while looking up at her.

Jeonghan smiled up at her. "For my wife."

"You shouldn't bother. You even woke up early. You should've just waited for me to wake up. I should've been the one to prepare us breakfast."

"It's okay. It's nothing to wake up early and cook for my wife."

She laughed as her heart tickled and picked up a fork to point at the meal he prepared. "Croissant? Really?" She didn't know that he knows how to bake a bread, especially a french bread.

"Well, fine. I did pull off some tiny strings. You know me, food and I are not a good pair. Besides, I'd do anything to please you."

She just smiled since she's speechless.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now