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"Where's Kook?" She heard their Mom ask the woman who just came in.

She tried memorizing their names and it's Mingyu, Wonwoo, Irene and Seungcheol she could remember.

"At his room. Wonwoo's taking him to sleep." The woman answered.

They just finished eating and since Jeonghan is not back yet, she volunteered to help the others clean the table. As what Irene told her, they would let their house maids rest early during their family dinner.

"That little boy is mischievous, just like his Dad."

"That's what Dad also said. Those two are really close. Oh, Mom, let me do that!"

She saw how the lady took the tray from Jeonghan's Mom.

"You better check on your son. You might think they're asleep but they'll just play all night." Jeonghan's Mom said.

The two continued to argue over the tray so Jae Kyung approached them and volunteered to do the chore for their Mom to rest and so the lady could look after her son.

"I'll do it, Ma'am."

The lady smiled at her and muttered a silent thank you that she came.

"Are you sure, sweetie?" Jeonghan's mom asked.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Hmm. Thank you, sweetie." And she handed her the tray.

And that's when Jae Kyung realized that the tray is for Jeonghan and Eunha.

Two slices of chocolate cake and two cups of coffee.

"They're just at the library. Just go to the right end of the hallway upstairs."

"I'll go with you." The lady volunteered. "You can rest, Mom, Dad's waiting outside."

"Fine. You take in charge there." The woman stopped in front of her. "Thank you for coming, Jae Kyung. You are a wonderful surprise tonight. I hope Han will continue to bring you on our family events."

She smiled awkwardly. Even if she liked Jeonghan's family, she just can't come back again. For on the next time, she might not be able to stop herself. Who knows what would she say? She doesn't want to give Jeonghan another reason to be mad at her.

When their Mom left, the lady tugged her softly. "Let's go?" Then she went out of the kitchen. She followed her upstairs.

Her eyes wandered aimlessly around. They passed through different painting, and she wondered how much they worth. Of course, they cost a fortune for sure.

"Aianne eonnie." Irene suddenly called them from a room. "I think Wonwoo Oppa needs you. Baby Kook is crying again."

Aianne . . . Jae Kyung remembered it.

She sighed. "He'll make me sing again." Then she looked at her, obviously worried.

"Ah, I'll be fine I'll be okay." She said.

"Are you sure?"

Jae Kyung nodded. "This isn't heavy though."

Aianne smiled at her. "If you say so, now, just walk straight to the hallway, you'll see the library." She said before she left and run to the other side of the hallway.

She just followed her directions and went to the library alone. She's not having a hard time, honestly. At the end of the hallway, she saw the huge door. Maybe that's the library.

With one hand holding the tray and the other hand turning the knob, she opened the door. The door silently opened, and she immediately heard Jeonghan's voice.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now