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"What!? You're the buyer?!" Jae Kyung asked Jeonghan unable to believe what he had just heard while he's just staring at her seriously. She could feel her blood draining from her face.

"Yes. Why else would I be here?" Jeonghan cocked his head, but Jae Kyung could only stare at him shell-shocked.

My God! This isn't happening!

This is too much! Why would Jeonghan want to buy their house? She can't understand anything.

He walked to somewhere and she just followed him with her eyes until she came back in front of her with papers on his hands that she didn't even notice since he arrived.

"Here." He said, handing her the documents. She took it, not being in herself. "Read them and sign it." Then he was walking away again.

"What – wait." Jeonghan turned around and her heart squirmed. She opened her mouth and closed them again when she realized she forgot what she wanted to say. Panic settled at the pit of her stomach because what was happening to her right now was worse than stuttering.

This is a mess. Everything was a big bloody mess! Just a little more and she'll probably get on her limits.

Her head dipped down on the papers on her hands as she doesn't want Jeonghan to see her like that. She had to pull herself and gather her wits if she wants to save the fate of her family's home.

She then looked at Jeonghan again to see irritation on his handsome face. "What are these?" She tried and almost closed her eyes for relief when the words finally found her. "Why did you showed up her and with this saying that you're buying our house? And I thought your lawyer told me that the appointment would be tomorrow?"

Jeonghan rooted his feet to the ground as he fixed her an impatient stare. "I can't wait until tomorrow. I have plans."

And now it's her that has to adjust for him? This man could honestly be a first class arrogant. Why did she ever marry him? She would never guess.

Her eyes scanned the papers and her forehead creased and emotions passed her eyes when she took a glimpse of the date when the said papers were made.

She fixed Jeonghan an accusing look. "What's this? You already made this before I went to your bank?"

He shrugged casually as if he wasn't guilty of her charge. "I'm a businessman. I want everything ready and waiting."

Jae Kyung felt irritated at the man standing in front of her. She feels like a small rat caught by a huge cat on the lawn. She felt completely trapped.

While breathing heavily, she plopped herself down on the single couch behind her. She was losing, she knows that. She can't fight Jeonghan, not with his money, influence, and cunning mind.

Her eyes wandered around his fingers. They were empty. He wore no ring. So what could that mean? Were they divorced? Aren't they married? Who ended it? Was it her?

She sighed as she brushed her hair back from her face before turning to look up into Jeonghan's unperturbed face. She would give anything just to know what was going inside his mind.

"Jeonghan, why are you doing this?"

He stared at her for a while as if he's thinking of the right words to answer her question Then he was walking again. Pacing – like he was getting uncomfortable. And then he stopped and put his hands inside his pockets.

"Let's just say you owe me this." He said when he finally faced her.

"Owe you what exactly, Jeonghan?" She asked, but his lips were tightly sealed.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now