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A moan escaped her throat from the pleasure taking over her whole world as her body danced in a sensual music that he could only create within her.

She felt like a violin and he was the bow stroking her strings, like a lover to a beloved. Every vibration, every melody that they created in unison was taking her higher and higher to a chasm of place she could only reach with him.

Her soft moans and erratic pants mingled with his deep male groan of appreciation as he moved within her, filling her with love, again and again, slow and faster . . . deeper. Harder, until that moment where she couldn't take anymore, couldn't go anywhere else but to explode into a pure bliss of pleasure and shatter into millions of pieces and disappear . . .

And then there was nothing — only a vast vision of fathomless and bottomless darkness catching her, closing her in . . . choking her breath out of her. Burying her alive . . .

Jae Kyung's eye flew open as she woke with a start . . . hurting. She immediately sat up as she felt she could eventually die while lying down. Her hand gripped the sheets while the other stroked her burning chest, soothing the ache that her vivid dream had caused.

It started as the most beautiful dream and ended in a heartbreaking tragedy. If only they were just a simple nightmare. But they weren't.

Those images those warm bodies, the sensual lips and hands that were making her moan in ecstasy, a man kissing her, undressing her . . . the sound of his deep voice whispering sensual words that drove her mindless for him as he pleasured and worshiped her body . . .

Jae Kyung knew they were her memories. And of a man – of love and happiness. She might have forgotten but her body didn't.

That much she knew was certain. Sure of.

And it was a painful awakening. She realized what's been haunting her dreams. And now she fully understood what it meant. What she lost.

It was Jeonghan's love.

Jeonghan loved her. And she lost it forever. He hates her now with all of him. All of he was.

Isn't it what he said before? She wasted his love and left him. She lied and hurt Jeonghan. So what else does she expect other than his wrath for what she did?

She breathes heavily for a few times before she felt the sudden aching part of her lower chest.

Maybe that's the reason why she can't remember her past with Jeonghan because she can't accept the truth that she did something that broke them apart. Maybe this was her karma.

It's not her brain who doesn't want to remember. It was her. She was the one pushing her memories away. She doesn't want to remember because she doesn't want to remember how she lost him — the love of that the man that used to be her everything.

Jae Kyung shut her eyes closed at the fire inside her that was burning her in her own darkness. The realization was staggeringly weakening.

Yes. She still loves her husband even if she could hardly remember him. Her brain might forget him, but her love for him still remains, hiding in the darkness. It was still waiting for the day that it will accept her back.

And that's the sole reason why she's hurting now. Her dream deeply hurts just as her forgotten memories do. It hurt that she lost his love. And she's getting week with the thought of her not being able to get it back again. She can't restore again something that was long lost.

She could see that with how furious Jeonghan was at her. And even if he doesn't say it to her, she knew and she could feel how Jeonghan is having his revenge on her.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now