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Thank you to those who read this book, to those who patiently waited, to those who made the comment section a heated place, to those who voted, to those who appreciated, to those who felt frustration, anger and craziness to YOON JEONGHAN AND LEE JAE KYUNG, and to those who felt loved and giddy. Thank you to all of you who read my book. You guys kept my drive to write and update even if sometimes, I'm too lazy about writing the next chapters. I was one of a lazy person.

I hope you liked this third story of the series. I hope everyone who read this made a comment, especially those silent reader so I can thank you properly and of course, to know how you feel.  Nevertheless, I just want to thank all of you. To my fellow CARATS, thank you for appreciating my stories and supporting this book. Thank you for reading this 'til the end. ❤️❤️

I hope you will read the next book which will be Jisoo's story (The Seventeen Heirs Series; Heir #4: Hong Jisoo). It is currently on going and I'm on the process of posting the next chapters.

I'm currently on struggle on how can I write a better story for Jisoo like what I did to Cheol, Won and Han. I hope ideas will fill in me soon so I could write. I hope to finish it fast too. In God's will and grace. 🙏🙏

To my silent readers, I hope you can reach on my social media accounts.  At least there, I could meet all of you.

Also, for all the CARATS out there, I want you to check my fan account on twitter which I am holding a GIVEAWAY for Seventeen's 3rd Anniversary. Check me out at (JeonWuwu). 💎💎

Thank you so much everyone~ See you on the next book~! 💕💕

God bless you all! Spread love! xx

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now