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The wind was cold and I breathed deep to fill my lungs with air. I long to pull my ties loose but they would notice how nervous I was. Hell, I am fvcking nervous alright. Even if I'll be married to the same woman over and over again, I will always be this nervous.

I caught Dad sitting beside Mom in front of the wedding audience, silently watching me. I know he knew what I was feeling. My stomach was in knots. Tightly tied knots. I couldn't stop the harsh pounding beat of my heart, the beads of sweat threatening to roll at my back, and the tingling sensation at the base of my spine running down to the tip of my toes. And the hot sting burning behind my lids.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I swallowed past the lump lodged in my throat at and tried to remember my vows.

Fvck it! I can't mess up on that one. Jae had been preparing for hers for the last week before this big day.

Good thing that Mom talked to me few minutes ago before I came out here, willing to wait for the woman whom I'm marrying for the second time around.

When I first met her, I didn't have a clue that she would occupy the biggest part of my life. I have esteemed myself to be always in control, to be strong and wise and never use my heart. No, I've never recognized I had a heart.

I've always viewed emotions a weakness — something I couldn't afford to feel. To feel vulnerable for someone. I was the best at playing my own game, my own rule, my own battleground. But at some point, I knew my weakness will come.

I never understood how love works or marriage. But then, so does life, so does what my parents have. I never understood the look when Dad looked at Mom or how Seungcheol adored Taerin. I never acknowledged it, but I know deep in my soul, I've been wanting — waiting — to have that connection with someone else.

That was me before I met her. That was me before she showed me another world. Another man. Another part of me that I thought never existed.

Brain controls everything, even those darkest emotions hidden deep inside us. But she was the trigger inside my head that woke that frozen emotion and made me lose my chain. And just like a warrior, she took the rein.

She was the trigger of my heart. To beat and to stop beating.

And now this day had come. I decided to marry her again for our family's benefit, because they weren't there before. But this is not just a wedding for me. Today marks our second chance together as husband and wife. To renew my vows and fill in the gaps.

"They're here." Jisoo whispered to me when he stood to his place.

I had my brothers as my groom's men. Even if Wonwoo doesn't want to, Leanne still convinced him. Good thing he married. Marriage life really changes a man.

Seungcheol tapped my shoulder when Irene started walking in the aisle. "Are you okay?"

"Never been okay." I answered and took a deep breath. Never been this nervous too.

The violin began to play and I recognized the song they were playing; Habit.

(Play song in the multimedia until chapter's over. I swear, the feels.)

I smiled. Damn! That's too cheesy, but hell! It's making me feel giddy.

Nayoung was first to walk the aisle, behind her was Irene. Then Nauen and Mina. They all wore the same shade of mint green gown and colorful flower garland at the top of their heads. And my niece looked so adorable in it. My sister winked at me when she took her position across from us.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now