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Jae Kyung can't believe that Jeonghan asked her out. She feels like everything was suddenly coming off so fast and unexpected.

And it frightens her because she's liking the situation too much, and every little nice thing that Jeonghan has been doing for her, of how he was making her feel, every flutter of her heartbeat, every catch of her breath, every squirm inside her stomach.

God! Every day, she wished for this. She prayed that someday, someone will find her and make her feel special.

She doesn't want to assume thing and she just wants to think that Jeonghan's being nice to her because he wants something from her. Honestly, he does have the reason to be nice to her — for her to remember. But he's doing it. He's making her feel . . . owned — something she had never felt again that she had forgotten what it felt like.

But what's so frightening? It's Yoon Jeonghan. Her husband. The man who asked for her hand in marriage. The only man who was once close to her as intimate a husband to his wife.

"So what do you think?" Jeonghan turned to her then.

They are inside a huge business place with a lady she doesn't know. The lady has been explaining about how wide, huge and accessible the whole place is. She's not really listening to the two of them talking but Jeonghan would pull her with him everytime she tries to sneak out.

"Hmm?" He asked again. Waiting.

"About what?" She said. She really doesn't know what to say.

"This place." He said gesturing around.

She scanned the place. Why is he asking for her opinion? It's not like she knows what he's thinking to do with this place.

"It's huge. It's in a very nice location that it would be nice for some business . . . The sun will set in this area, and it will be a perfect scenery if you'll put some chairs outside."

Jae Kyung sighed wistfully. This actually reminded her so much about . . .

Her eyes turned back to Jeonghan and stared at him. Did she tell Jeonghan before? It seemed probable, or maybe it was just a simple coincidence. But this place reminds her so much of her dream place . . . perfect place to set her own restaurant – clinic place.

She mentally swiped the thought arising in her head. Of course, he wouldn't do that. Jeonghan won't be giving her something like this . . . right?

Jeonghan smiled at her.

No, please don't tell me . . .

"I bought this place two days ago and it's yours now."

Jae Kyung felt her chest tightened. She doesn't know what to say . . . on what to do. But she didn't expect that it would make her cry. Her eyes stung and her throat was burning.

She hurriedly wiped her tears away when she saw Jeonghan coming her way. His smiling face no longer to be seen. His brows furrowed and he stops her hands from wiping her tears.

"What is it?" He asked.

Her chest tightened even more because of the concern in his voice. This was too much!

"Jeonghan, I can't . . . I—I can't . . . I don't . . ." She just shook her head because she's not sure of what to say. She's speechless. She couldn't even say a simple thank you because she doesn't need it anyways – for now.

Jeonghan's grip on her tightened. "This was your dream, right? You can put up your own restaurant now and a small side clinic. You don't have to work and wait tables anymore."

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now